RL Update: Fire Alarms, Fannish Ways and Fear in the Night

Sep 14, 2010 15:34

Hallo, and happy... tuesday? It is tuesday, right? *thinks* Yes, happy tuesday everyone :)
Well, it's been an eventful few days in the House of Nerds - entertaining, too :D And in case you haven't noticed, it's given me a bad case of Alliteration...

Smoke, Slash, Scissors and a Saucepan - Spoilers for Merlin 3.1 )

fandom: chronicles of narnia, film, obsession: books/reading, film: avatar, slash, event: new house, real life: university, spoilers, sanity, fandom: merlin, real life: odd happenings

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Comments 6

eccentrickkid September 14 2010, 15:46:15 UTC

and DOCTOR WHO! We're looking at The Sound of Drums/The Last of the Time Lords (eeee!). JEALOUS.

My weapon would be an elephant gun were I tall enough, however I suppose I'd be making explosives and running.

Also Merlin! I love how Arthur and Merlin aren't even insulting each other and meaning it anymore <3


hermitknut September 14 2010, 16:24:27 UTC
Heeheehee :D I'm pretty excited.
Good choice of weapon! And yeah, it's great to see them getting along better :)


b_c_draygon September 14 2010, 17:01:58 UTC
Merlin is one of those shows that's a bit silly and cheesy and sometimes makes no sense (eg: Merlin being tied up and left to die by Morgause and Morgana at what must be shortly after dawn ... and then suddenly it's night time when he's being rescued! :D) but I love it anyway. I think they definitely got the tone of Arthur's teasing right this time - unlike last series! It seemed to be actually friendly on both sides this time 'round. :D The mandrake was wonderuflly creepy. All that oozing black liquid, ugh.

Yay for fic writing! *cheers you on*

I am insanely jealous of your English Lit. modules! Cultures of Childhood sounds fascinating. It's the Genres module I'm really jealous about, though, as I've said. You get to study Doctor Who! *flail* Paradise Lost is brilliant, it's one of my favourites. <3 Terrifying to start to read, but well worth it. *makes mental note to re-read it*

Avatar is a visually gorgeous film. I know what you mean - the plot might be simplistic/a rip-off of Pocahontas, but it doesn't make it that much less ( ... )


hermitknut September 14 2010, 18:57:28 UTC
*airs barely-used icon ( ... )


b_c_draygon September 14 2010, 19:10:34 UTC
Ooo, pretty icon! Hooray, Jedis! :D ( ... )


hermitknut September 14 2010, 22:34:29 UTC
Yay, tiger-cuddling!
*blinks sleepily* Alas, I cannot respond with an epically long comment. Need to craaaaash :)
Just got to pick the right fictional characters to tag now! :D Let's see which ones I dream about...
Night :P


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