[Advent day 22]
Jeremiah 23:5-6 5 "The days are coming," declares the LORD,
"when I will raise up to David [Or up from David's line] a righteous Branch,
a King who will reign wisely
and do what is just and right in the land.
6 In his days Judah will be saved
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Comments 16
We have no required confession of Faith, except the Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed, 'Except' the Creeds? Um, those ARE confessions of faith...and pretty darn big ones!!!
However, if you have a cold or other communicable illness and prefer to intinct (that is, dip the bread in the wine), a small intinction cup is provided for that purpose. *thinks back to what Prof. Spinks said to us about how intinction is actually germier than using the shared cup--though I guess if they have a separate cup for that purpose, it isn't so bad.*
list hymnal page numbers in the bulletin but for some reason the hymnal doesn't give hymn titles Yeah, I dislike that about the Episcopal hymnal. Among other things, such as the fact I rarely recognize or like the hymns.
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Under "Sanctus" it said, "The people stand or kneel," and I considered standing, but no one else was, so I just sat.
For me worship is an opportunity to be in community and to meet the Holy.
Brueggemann is a hero of mine, though I haven't managed to plow through any of his stuff
Merry Christmas
I don't think I could ever feel truly comfortable in real doubt (though obviously I'm open to the possibility of being wrong on something so unknowable as this, and I do believe in an Omniscient Omnipotent Omnibenevolent Creator, so I expect to find out the Truth after death) so since so many people do believe in the divinity and resurrection of Jesus I expect I'll go back to the research until I make up my own mind one way or the other.
You articulate an interesting way of looking at Jesus and the Judeo-Christian tradition which is in many ways appealling to me, so I'll definitely be thinking about that. Thank you.
I can't remember if we read any Brueggemann before the lecture, but I certainly feel like the talk he gave was my introduction to him, and I don't think he will ever recover from that in my estimation. Though I'm willing to try out other writings of his if recommended to me.
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll definitely add it to my list as I am very interested in textual problems.
I know the New Testament authors were writing from different perspectives and for different audiences, though it is a good point for me to be reminded of. My issue with Biblical contradictions is usually between the NT and the OT rather than within the NT itself, though I do want to do further research into what Jesus is reported as having said and what people extrapolated from that later (Paul's letters, Church tradition, etc.).
After struggling with evil, i no longer buy into omnipotence, but that is a much longer discussion.
Yeah, it's definitely a difficult issue, with no easy answers.
The bottom line for me is that God is ultimately mystery.
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