So, Wednesday i left for Virginia. Pretty uneventful. Yay for etickets 'cause i get to just swipe my credit card in an express terminal and it gives me my boarding pass(es). Sarah had said "the airport is tiny and it won't be hard to find each other." She wasn't wrong about the latter, but i wouldn't exactly call Roanoke tiny, though it's
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Comments 11
We say the Apostles' Creed at the Presby church, and they say it at St. John's, too. Like most things we do around here, I assume it's a Southern thing. But it majorly weirds me since, well, UCC is supposed to be non-creedal, right? And reciting creeds is always problematic for me since I need to footnote like, every single item. Tricksy.
Nothing really else to say on the rest of it, though I'm with you on most of it and am glad to hear that our impressions of the week and especially of Friday evening were basically the same.
And now lots of my fannish thoughts are recorded in one place! Hurrah. *memories*
Yes, always good when both parties involved had the same feelings about an interaction.
Good to know my anal-retentiveness is useful for someone besides myself ;) (I totally have visions of a flood of "Do you ever shut up" kind of comments on this entry :) 'cause i'm cool in short bursts and overwhelming in Entries of Doom.)
Word to Ari about how it's easier to deal with really extroverted people sometimes. I didn't really anticipate having that much trouble coming up with topics of conversation, and I do know I could've tried harder myself to initiate things...sigh. Sorry. I really did have fun, though.
I'm glad you liked my pretty campus :) I've just now read the Carol Zalesky article--it's neat. Although I suppose I'm having my own "Catholics != Christians" moment, because as much as I can appreciate the "christological poetics" of it, I find myself annoyed by the arbitrariness of the church calendar in general (Dec. 25 is random enough, and it's just silly to stick the Annunciation precisely nine months before it--but I'm being a jerk who thinks she can be a Church unto herself, as usual).
I restrained myself from saying anything along the lines of "Think i'll keep my sex vanilla." That was smart. But heehee :)
Yeah, way to pick the one chapter in Richard Foster's Prayer that I figured you'd have a ( ... )
:) Glad you like. They come from here.
I definitely read the Zaleski article with "Okay, this is a crazy Catholic thing" kind of in my head at all times, 'cause i'm not into the whole feast day thing (not having grown up Catholic) and am not all that into Mary generally. I feel kind of dumb that i didn't realize until you wrote it that the date is 9 months before Christmas.
"but I'm being a jerk who thinks she can be a Church unto herself, as usual"
Like i don't do that? ;) (I really like that phrasing, btw -- "thinks she can be a Church unto herself")
I'm glad you didn't feel like i took over your Independent Study session, and i much look forward to your post. (Can i have Jan's e-mail address, btw? Thanks.)
The Radical Prayer chapter looked the most interesting/appealling out of the whole table of contents, but apparently i have a gift for finding that which will rub me the wrong way ( ... )
Oh, goodtimes. (Because yeah, totally necessary to check the whole tag now that it exists and recollect insane things we have done in the past.)
I also kind of grin ruefully that our discussions have devolved from apparently serious, depth meta about the Jossverses to OCD discussions of tagging, but on the other hand I continue to be glad to have you in my life to discuss everything. So s'all good.
(edited to actually take advantage of the icon function).
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