Title: Stranger Things
Beadslut &
mamabasto, &
tbranch Pairing/Characters: Hermione Granger / Tim McGee
Summary: An NCIS investigation into the disappearance and murder of US Marines is complicated by a werewolf attack on one of their agents and the appearance of a young Englishwoman who is chasing a cure. With carte blanche from the Ministry
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Comments 14
There was some great fun moments, my favorite being the discussion that ends with Abby's chess comment.
Lovely art too!
I'm so glad you liked our little story. Tim and Hermione just seemed so logical to us, and it gave us the opportunity to look inside Abby's world.
Thanks so much for letting us know.
Yes, Hermione protected Abby for professional reasons and didn't clear Tim for personal reasons, Tony was mindwiped and Pat's an Auror, not a specialist, so he didn't notice that Gibbs was able to resist it because of his SERE training (and innate stubborness willpower). Ziva has had the same training and more, given her family, and she's also used to keeping her mouth shut in public when she's not sure how much she's supposed to know. So yes, you are correct, she sidestepped the Obliviate and Gibbs assumes that if he can, she can.
Dr. S covered their tracks with Ducky offscreen. Secrecy is necessary but Rowling's wizards do tend to be high handed and meddlesome at times.
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