HN Daily #10-14

Jul 18, 2011 17:11

I have a memory like a sieve - I am very sorry! Have a load to make up for it! (Click on the images to enlarge them)

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daily photo, character: karen marsden, character: ros myers, tv: cold feet, tv: spooks, tv: berkeley square, media: photos, character: victoria st. john

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Comments 11

the_silverdoe July 18 2011, 18:10:52 UTC
Of course I know the ep, but I guess it wasn't aimed at me. And the reason? Well I have a feeling it might be because of Pete and Jenny and a certain new comm. But maybe it's just me being too obsessed. ;)

I don't know most of the pictures you post here, so thanks for sharing them! Nice idea you had. :)


novindalf July 18 2011, 18:45:31 UTC
You might have been one of the people I was aiming at.... You got the reason though anyway =D


the_silverdoe July 18 2011, 20:09:25 UTC
LOL! Well it seemed to obvious so I had a small doubt. ;) Didn't stop me from giving the answer though, as you can see! =P

Also, I think it's the right comm to say this, I was watching Cold Feet and realised there were a Pete and a Jenny. Do you think it might be an in-joke, the "Pete and Jenny" thing in Spooks 7.5, as both Hermione and Richard have been in Cold Feet? Over-analyzing, I know! ;)

( Especially as he wrote "Pete" and not Pete. I know it's a code name but my crazy mind has started imagining things... Like the writers might have wanted to make a joke... )


novindalf July 18 2011, 20:35:12 UTC
Ooh, could be!! Wrong couple, but still, there is the link with Cold Feet in general! =D


aletheia08 July 18 2011, 20:48:42 UTC
The first two pics are just the cutest! Baby!Hermione!! And I had never seen that last picture!


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