James T. Kirk and the Rude Boy, NC-17

Dec 30, 2010 15:07

Title: James T. Kirk and the Rude Boy

Pairing: Kirk/McCoy

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Part 3 of the pop star series. Jim's on a mission to prove he's just as naughty as his reputation suggests, but Bones still has his doubts. Uh, porn with a small side of plot (and I do mean small.)

Warnings: gratuitous use of dirty talking

Notes: Umm, so I've never ( Read more... )

fic, pop star series, kirk/mccoy, star trek

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Comments 8

giggles149 December 31 2010, 08:20:00 UTC
you do porn very well and the side helpings of plot are delicious. Thank you for sharing :-)


herinfiniteeyes January 2 2011, 02:49:31 UTC
Awww, thank you. I had a lot of fun writing it. Thanks for reading:) <3


tiki_92090 December 31 2010, 17:29:06 UTC
Damn that was hot! And I totally had a mini!epic!flail at Jim's love for the Russian!Karl Urban...lmao so hilarious, and I totally loved that they both got jealous.

Thanks for writing!!


herinfiniteeyes January 2 2011, 02:48:53 UTC
I'm glad you liked that part, cuz I wasn't sure if people would think it was funny or not. :-P

And possessive!bones is definitely one of my kinks (ahem, aside from filthy-mouthed, extremely toppy!bones, that is).

Thanks for reading:) <3


sangueuk January 2 2011, 02:31:42 UTC
Best bit was the teasing while they danced - phew! *fans self*


herinfiniteeyes January 2 2011, 02:46:16 UTC
Yeah, I rather liked the dancing myself;)

I'm still not sure if I got over my awkwardness about the lap dancing, but hopefully it didn't suck.

Thanks for reading:-P <3


... *sputers* ... vivid_moment January 2 2011, 10:43:13 UTC
Words are overrated for fics like this 'cos that was just.... can't even .... I can't even see straight, let alone think anything vaguely coherent - *drops dedz from imagining this fic happening* So this is me saying TYSM for writing and sharing this *pets you brain* Please please please let there be more of this verse sometime?! ;D

*prints off to keep in my file of fics I can't be without*


Brilliant opalineegwene June 27 2011, 01:17:53 UTC
love the series. what isnext for the boys?


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