[ooc] rp application

Sep 05, 2010 10:26

name: Brodie
age: 18
experience: someone's got to play America |D
e-mail: longlivescissors (at) gmail (dot) com

nation: Prussia

name: Gilbert Beilschmidt
nickname(s): Gilbo, Gilly, Gil, his Awesomeness, prickish egotistical asshole
age: 26 (but he looks like he's 23. and acts like he five)
date of birth: January 18th, 1984
hometown: West Berlin, Germany
occupation: costume/fabric store owner (Theatricality), professional costume maker, music man, provider of awesome, back-up dancer
residence: He doesn't have a home and is looking to bunk up with someone. Sooner rather than later.
family: one not-so-awesome brother, check, one-totally-elvish-father, check, one-not-there-mother, check, one-avian-familiar, check.

first impression: Why in the world does that albino have a bird on his head- never mind that, is he jiving with himself?

ten(ish) awesome facts:
  1. First things first, Gilbert isn't simply just awesome. You look up the dictionary definition of the word and you see a picture of this sexy bastard and his name. He is awesome.
  2. Now that we're got that covered, we can move on to some of the most important things about the Prussian. One thing that really makes Gilbert Gilbert is the fact that he does not consider himself German but rather Prussian (yes there is a difference and Gilbert would be glad to expand on the history if you're ever in need of a way to waste an afternoon.)
  3. You may wonder why in the world a person clearly born in Germany (and the West no less) considers himself to be rather un-German. Gilbert's childhood was spent at the Charlottenburg Palace running about and exploring every nook and cranny of the sprawling residence. This was only because the curator at the time, an old man that Gilbert only knew as Fritz, found Gilbert's… audacity to be quite charming.
  4. Since the palace became somewhat of a second home, Fritz became somewhat of a second father/teacher. He is the reason why Gilbert is actually knowledgeable in the aspect of Prussian history, the Habsburg dynasty in general, waltzing, books, art and maybe just a touch of the violin you're shit outta luck if you ever ask him to play for you though. He also instilled in Gilbert somewhat of a knight-complex, which appears once in the bluest of moons where someone might catch Gilbert actually being chivalrous.
  5. Don't expect chivalry from Gilbert. Ever.
  6. Seriously. Don't. Maybe good manners if he's in a good mood that day. Maybe.
  7. Moving on.
  8. Ever heard of paintball? I hope so because Gilbert's planning on kicking your ass at it. He's one of those people that takes the game very seriously, like with the armour, tactics, custom gun, face pain; the whole nine yards. Surprisingly enough, he's pretty good at it, enough to make the national league back in Germany. His codename was Jäger.
  9. Gilbert kind of has this obsession with costumes. It's not exactly cosplay (though he does do that frequently despite watching next-to-no anime) but more of a want to dress up in all the fancy gear of days passed. It's not odd to see him out and about in scenester clothes one day and epic and regal getups the next. He says it's for promotion of his store but most know it's just because he loves getting dressed-up.
  10. Costumes rip and break and need alterations more often than you would expect. Gilbert's experience without a mother actually resulted in him having quite a daft hand at sowing and general repairs. He'll never admit it so don't bother asking.
  11. Stemming from his habit of liking costumes and being good at making them, Gilbert's become an aspiring fashion designer in a totally metrosexual kind of way. That's it. He's enrolled in courses at the art school and he's finding out he's actually not that bad. Really, he's got an eye for it. Two even.
  12. Music? Don't even ask Gilbert about music because he will talk at you about it for hours on end. It's second on the list of things he loves (right below himself). He's just one those people that can listen to almost anything, love it and remember it forever. His iPod is laden with everything from Blind Melon, the Red Army's choir to Glen Miller and Schubert. Don't tell anyone, but Gilbert is a bit of a gleek. (ie: he has all the songs on his iPod)
  13. Gilbert adores singing but he's not very good and he doesn't really care. He's not a bad dancer, albeit a bit spastic at times. He's better if you put him with an equally enthusiastic partner and they can jive the night away.
  14. Number three on the List of Things That Gilbert Beilschmidt Loves is a bright crimson '73 Beetle. It's been redone with some aid of some mechanics back in Germany (daddy called in some favours for his son's eighteenth birthday present).
  15. Finally at number #4 (not that this is the end of the list, it actually stretches to about item #328) is a small bird fondly called Gilbird. No one is really sure where Gilbert acquired said chick or why it never seems to mature or enjoys nesting in the Prussian's ashen hair. Magazines and television shows keeps asking him for interviews but Gilbert says that Gilbird is press-shy.
  16. Oh, his brother is number #1.5. Don't tell him that though.

and a secret: it's not like he crossdresses or that his big personality hides the hurt inside of him. Gilbert just isn't sure what he wants to be when he grows up and since he's not really much of a teenager anymore (despite how he acts) the time to decide grows closer with each day. A fashion designer isn't exactly the most lucrative of careers but he loves it. He's stuck between doing something mildly useful or throwing himself right at his passion and hoping one day he'll make it to Milan.

For now, his little shop in Liberty and that cute Canadian he has a file on will be enough for him.

[ooc], [ooc: application], the awesome me

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