Drabble: The Key

Jun 25, 2007 08:58

This technically isn't a Torchwood drabble, but it's going to be expanded into a Jack-fic, so I thought I'd put it somewhere I could find it :)

Title: The Key drabble
Author: jadesfire2808
Rating/Spoilers: G/The Sound of Drums (or rather: this won't make any sense unless you've seen TSOD)

Summary: Apparently, some things are worth hanging onto.

A/N: First posted in comments at fandom_me's journal.

The Key

Jack does it so casually. Out of his pocket, off the ring, just like that. There are too many things going on for the Doctor to think about it.

But still.

A hundred and thirty-something years, and Jack can still lay his hands on it right away. Why would he hang onto a tiny piece of metal for so long? How could he know he'd need it again?

Words echo in the Doctor's ears, answering the questions and spurring him on. Because if there was ever a time to live up to them, it's now.

Never doubted him, never will.

drabble, jack, the doctor

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