the effects of fandom in everyday life

Mar 09, 2012 17:39

For a couple of weeks now, the lid of my wee Toshiba netbook (which I love and highly recommend, by the way) has been wobbly, and a few days ago a very tiny screw fell out of... somewhere... and landed behind the computer. I wasn't sure where it came from, but I suspected the hinge. (Mind you, I wasn't sure how a screw could fall out of the hinge, ( Read more... )

computer, fandom, technowhatever

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Comments 2

celisnebula March 10 2012, 04:21:31 UTC
Sweet! I can definitely relate. Because if fandom, I can do limited coding, I can fix stuff (that I honestly wouldn't have ever done), honed my editing skills (from beta), so now I do editing jobs at work because my English is tres bien, and I guess most importantly, I've learned to be more social. At heart, I'm a hermit, but because of fandom I want to go out, do things and meet people who are fannish like myself.


heresluck March 12 2012, 14:27:17 UTC
Oh yes, the social part is huge for me too -- I'm both introverted and shy, but fandom makes me want to talk with people. :)


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