five things about me and vidding

Jul 14, 2010 10:22

1) I have been invited to participate in the vid_commentary interview series, along with cherryice, fan_eunice, sdwolfpup, and wistful_fever (with more vidders to come in the second half of the series later this year). I am pleased to be in such fantastic company, and also, as I told intrepid organizer deathisyourart, deeply flattered (and tremendously amused) that anyone thinks there's anything left to ask me, ( Read more... )

vid: blind hope, vid: all we have, vid: goodbye, vid: the test, vids: commentaries, vividcon

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Comments 3

sdwolfpup July 14 2010, 16:23:17 UTC
Treme vid! *flaaaaaaaaaail*


heresluck July 14 2010, 21:08:49 UTC
There, er, might be more of it this evening?, I need to upload those Treme icons you made. Except then we'll have the same icons and I'll get confused! Actually I think I need one of LaDonna's "Bitch, please" face. ♥


anoel July 22 2010, 21:50:15 UTC
So sorry about your summer and hope it gets better! Oooh commentary...

Congrats on the vid finishing! I know what you mean about the deadline. But I'm soo excited to see your FNL vid! And omg Treme vid! I would love to see that as well. I totally want to make one but I need that right song still.

*encourages ensemble vid meta*


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