I think the universe is fucking with me. Also: FNL 4x01, "East of Dillon"

Nov 02, 2009 19:55

I haven't had time to vid in ages, which has been more than usually annoying because I have so many ideas I am excited about right now! But I thought, until a few days ago, that I had a plan: hold out until Thanksgiving, and then use my long weekend to work on Star Trek vids. Because, hey, shiny ( Read more... )

vid: blind hope, vid: the test, vid: firefly #2, vid: collab, vid: buffy, vid: star trek, movie: stxi, tv: fnl, vid: fnl, vidding: process

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Comments 12

jarrow November 3 2009, 03:53:57 UTC
WALLACE. I mean, yeah, Vince. But I spent most of the time screaming at my screen, "WALLACE. I LOVE YOU WALLACE."

This SHOW. I just. My heart doesn't know how to accommodate such need to HUG IT ALL OVER.

p.s. I miss Tyra. a LOT.


heresluck November 4 2009, 03:29:40 UTC
TYRA. I'm right there with you, and I hope we'll see her again. But I am just so happy that she made it out, you know?


cofax7 November 3 2009, 04:09:27 UTC

My theory, let me tell you it, is that either Tim or Matt gets hired as a junior coach at East Dillon; and since ZG isn't in the main credits, it's going to be Tim. (Although seriously: I thought Tim was gone, because TK is such a hot property now--it was a surprise to see him last night.)

Landry as a leader: it's kind of awesome. He's giving the other boys what he knows about being on a team, and it's not about being a jackass in the locker room. He's gonna be the quiet guy who's the anchor, even if he's not the strongest or most talented or flashiest. But he'll show up, and play, and be there, and the other boys are going to respect that.

Cannot wait for next week! Is it here yet? I am really hoping they'll give us a glimpse of Tyra, at least.


heresluck November 4 2009, 03:35:04 UTC
I like your theory! And there's totally precedent for that, too: Jason worked in that role for a while, and didn't Eric have Tim helping out Santiago for a while? Plus there was the whole PowerPuff football thing. I remember thinking at various points during the series that Tim's a surprisingly good teacher.

And oh, LANDRY. Anchor -- that's it exactly. And although I weep for the lost academic opportunities, I wonder whether maybe this new role is exactly the kind of preparation he most needs right now. He's really on his own -- no Tyra, no Matt -- and he needs a new identity, a new way to think of himself. This could be it.

This show, seriously. I cannot even believe how much I love it. Several times an episode -- any episode -- my heart just clenches.


thuviaptarth November 3 2009, 04:18:27 UTC
I find it very encouraging that you have more vid ideas than you could possibly finish in a year.


heresluck November 4 2009, 03:43:35 UTC
Indeed, more than I could possibly finish in two years. And that's just the ones I *mentioned*. We've also got one for The Wire, four for Farscape, one for LotR, three or four for VM, and several for weirdo indie movies. And that's not even counting the ideas that I've decided I'm unlikely to make myself (assorted X-Files and BSG, plus that Dollhouse one that I refuse to engage).

I long for winter break.


thuviaptarth November 4 2009, 03:59:28 UTC
I now feel much better about having 8 Buffy and 7 SCC vids in my spreadsheet. Plus---::counts::--the eleven other things.


kassrachel November 3 2009, 13:34:11 UTC
::flailing along with you::

I adore this show like CRAZY.


heresluck November 4 2009, 03:45:01 UTC
SO MUCH FLAILING. I just. How is this show so awesome? I am so, so pleased that it looks like this season might be just as amazing as last season. ::crosses fingers::



laurashapiro November 3 2009, 15:22:41 UTC
How do I share your focus problems, let me count the ways! Of my list of 24 vids to make, I'm in process on one, ready to start another one today, and totally distracted by at least four others. Deadwood and Leverage, I'm looking at YOU.

I'm grateful for my self-imposed con release schedule, since that at least means that I always know what the next vid *should* be. Not that it's currently determining what the next vid *is*, oh no.

BTW: Are we still trying to do that Buffy collab?


heresluck November 4 2009, 03:48:28 UTC
Distraction is my way of life at the moment. Woe.

(eeee Leverage vid eeeee!)

I do have some priorities for VividCon next year -- a CV vid, a vid I'd like to have in Premieres. Don't know if that will really help, though. I may do what I did this year and hang on to the next vids I finish in case I don't get any others done by June.

And yes, the collab is one of the two high-priority Buffy vids! (My CV idea is the other one.) I *still* haven't finished my rewatch, though I'm hoping to get back to it after the end of next week. (It's a fresh round of way-too-busy around here, oy.)


laurashapiro November 4 2009, 14:45:26 UTC
TWO Leverage vids, as it happens. (:

Since we first talked about our Buffy vid, I have begun my second rewatch. In S3 now. I'm pretty much ready to go whenever you're ready. I've got another collab for Club Vivid but it shouldn't interfere. I'm experimenting now with that wacky "make two vids at once" thing, and it seems to be working so far!


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