
Apr 08, 2007 21:41

The subject line of this post refers not only to progress on a specific vid but also to another small step forward in my vidding process more generally ( Read more... )

vid: nothing new, vidding: process

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Comments 13

laurashapiro April 9 2007, 03:23:18 UTC
Wonderful news! Making big learning leaps sure feels good, doesn't it?

It's great that you're seeing this as a positive moment rather than getting all depressed about the things that aren't working. I find that moment when I realize how to fix a problem really inspiring, myself; it's one of the great pleasures of vidding for me.


heresluck April 9 2007, 03:41:59 UTC
Well, I'm not sure I'd call this a big learning leap, but yeah, it does feel good.

I have so much experience with things not working in my vidding (and for that matter my writing) that I have ceased to find it inherently depressing; it's only depressing when I can't figure out why things aren't working. Which I have done! And having just vidded for about an hour, I can say with confidence that I have already fixed a few things. Whee!


laurashapiro April 9 2007, 19:59:19 UTC
::squee:: Happy, productive vidding! Best thing ever!


sockkpuppett April 9 2007, 03:30:40 UTC
The thing is? At least in my experience, finding the problems is much easier if I have a full timeline. Then I'm not second-guessing myself about every other clip. I just throw stuff up there that might *vaguely relate* to what I really want, and then I can start culling and changing out clips.

The really important thing, though, is that *you* were able to see what is not right, and that's great.


heresluck April 9 2007, 03:51:01 UTC
...finding the problems is much easier if I have a full timeline.Me too! And one of the things I've struggled with in the past is getting to that point of *having* a full timeline. I tend to vid in sections, because I have trouble seeing the big picture until I have a full draft, but the problem is that I get really hung up on the individual sections and start nitpicking before I've even exported the draft, and then my ideas about the vid kind of calcify and make it harder to let go of what's wrong or even to figure out what's wrong in the first place ( ... )


sockkpuppett April 9 2007, 04:01:23 UTC
So I need to quit tinkering around trying to get the draft perfect, accept that it is going to have massive problems, and just get it out there so I can start figuring out what the problems are.

I'm in the middle of this very issue with my CV vid. I figured out what I wanted to do with it, and it's tech-tech-tech stuff--not hard, just tedious. So, I did a piece of it, right? Now, instead of just filling the timeline, I've been fooling around and fooling around with seven seconds of video at a time. Earlier today, I opened Premiere and started doing the same damned thing and just had to step back. This nickel-and-diming is a clunky, slow method, and it's not complementary to my style at all.

This vid won't be any sort of real breakthrough to me, either, other than to prove to myself that I can do seamless work with track mattes (at least that's the hope). Maybe when it's all said and done, I'll look back at mine and you'll look back at yours and say "I really made a breakthrough there!"

[eggs you on]


heresluck April 10 2007, 01:18:39 UTC
This nickel-and-diming is a clunky, slow method, and it's not complementary to my style at all.

I hear you on that. These are the moments when being a perfectionist slacker becomes difficult -- I give myself whiplash going back and forth between worrying about the details and saying "Fuck the details! Gimme the VID!"

[eggs you back]


way2busymom April 9 2007, 18:43:12 UTC
I really love vidding.

Me too.

And I think I could have written this post...boy howdy has this been my experience on the vid I'm working on now.

And in your honor, I'm using my Mal Out of Gas icon, cause that's the stage of the vidding process I think I'm at right now.


heresluck April 10 2007, 02:20:35 UTC
I know what you mean -- I am suspended halfway between exhaustion and exhilaration, running on pure adrenalin. Just like Mal!

Or maybe that's just 'cause it's the last day of the auction...


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