two polls for the price of one: Video Death Match + What Next?

Nov 05, 2005 09:42

I'm in the big city having a fannish weekend, which means that I'm thinking about vidding. So I'm stealing the Video Death Match! poll from sisabet, sdwolfpup, and f1renze... and adding one of my own.

Poll Video Death Match!

Poll What should h.l vid next?

vid: writing notes, vid: come on, vid: farscape, vid: cat-scan hist'ry, vid: blood of me, vid: buffy, vid: superstar, vid: thistledown tears, vidding: process, vid: atropine, vid: b/a, vid: tre sorelle, vid: xf, vid: glorious #1, vid: lotr, vid: new frontier, vid: strength in you

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Comments 26

f1renze November 5 2005, 16:33:38 UTC
I really, really want to see Aeryn and Lorelai-ness from you, but gah - the B/A curiosity kills me!


heresluck November 6 2005, 22:29:40 UTC
Dude, *I* am curious as to whether I can pull off the B/A vid.

Also, I watched 3 eps of Veronica Mars with tzikeh et al this weekend, and I liked it. So you get at least part of your wish. *g*


sdwolfpup November 5 2005, 16:42:56 UTC
That was very difficult. I ultimately went with Thistledown Tears over Superstar because TT is My Show.

And I am very intrigued by what you would do with BSG's Six. Although I should have also put "Deadwood" in the "forget about all those" question!


heresluck November 6 2005, 22:31:57 UTC

The Six vid isn't just about Six, but that character is definitely (at the moment) the focal character. Also, it's about Things Blowing Up. I've decided it's my theme for shows set in space: Things Blow Up!


bloodypoetry November 5 2005, 16:50:10 UTC
Gods that was hard. Between Real and Superstar and Glorious #1....I went with Thistledown because it continues to inspire so much emotion in me. *sniffles*


heresluck November 6 2005, 22:32:26 UTC
Thank you -- I love hearing that about "Thistledown." Gah! My show!


sweetestdrain November 5 2005, 17:21:24 UTC
Tough choices! I adore Thistledown Tears and Cat Scan Hist'ry (and Come On and Glorious #... oh stop me.), but I went with Superstar. I would charge into a burning building to save Superstar because it's the first vid I watched that made me go so THAT'S why vids are cool! Which led to me buying the VVC '04 DVDs (as well as a bunch of Tegan and Sara CDs), and my inevitable spiral into the vidding realm has continued from there. Thanks for that, by the way. :)


heresluck November 6 2005, 22:34:28 UTC
You're welcome -- I didn't know any of that, I don't think, and I am *really* flattered. (Plus: Tegan & Sara! yay!)

Faith dances in appreciation. *g*


laurashapiro November 5 2005, 17:33:43 UTC
I voted for The Women of Farscape, obviously. But in all honesty, looking at your list of upcoming projects, I think I'd be overjoyed with any/all of them. I don't know Gilmore Girls, so I have slightly less enthusiasm for those, but really -- all of these will be great! ::bounces in anticipation::


heresluck November 6 2005, 22:36:48 UTC
Farscape! Yay!

I think you're might really like one of the GG vids, actually -- it's a mother/daughter relationship vid. And it's going to be more of a straight-up narrative vid, no real bells or whistles tech-wise or maybe even style-wise, just I-like-these-characters fun.


laurashapiro November 6 2005, 23:39:06 UTC
Definitely sounds like my kind of thing. Cool beans!


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