famers' market: spring and things

Jun 05, 2005 21:13

Yesterday I packed away my turtlenecks and a few of my sweaters (I live in the upper midwestern U.S., where a smart woman never packs away all her sweaters), hauled out the rest of my embarrassingly large t-shirt collection (between bands, bookstores, feminist slogans, union activism, and general geekery, I have about three times as many t-shirts ( Read more... )

farmers market, food

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Comments 10

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heresluck June 8 2005, 03:42:55 UTC
My thoughts exactly.


faith_delivers June 6 2005, 05:02:51 UTC
I am really, really excited for Tuesday. :)

Because, I mean... "Firefly" is awesome anytime, but it's SO much more fun when there are other people around who are cracking up, too. ;)


heresluck June 8 2005, 03:43:35 UTC
Yep, that went well.

::cracks up::


river_boat June 6 2005, 10:52:24 UTC
Do you ever visit farmers markets in London? Because Borough Market is fantastic, should you get farmers market withdrawal symptoms. There is also a small but very lovely and very scenic farmers market in Islington on Sunday mornings. There are others, but those two are my favourites.

I hope you have a great time here in London!


heresluck June 8 2005, 03:45:05 UTC
You are brilliant! I might even be able to make the Islington market this Sunday! (We're staying in a self-catering flat, so buying produce will actually be wise rather than self-indulgent.) Thank you so much for the recommendations!


river_boat June 9 2005, 20:11:31 UTC
Glad to be of service! If I end up going to the Islington market myself this week and hear an American-sounding exclamation over morels, I'll giggle and know its you ;-)


kassrachel June 6 2005, 12:44:30 UTC
Funny -- on Thursday I carted most of my sweaters (all the heavy wool ones, anyway) to the attic and brought out my overgrown collection of T-shirts. *g* Apparently 'tis the season.

I dreamed last night that I was at Vividcon, and was homesick (for reasons which made sense in the dream), but cheered myself with the prospect of your vid show and panel that afternoon. I have no idea what my dreaming mind decided you were doing a panel on, but whatever it was, it made me happy. :-)


heresluck June 8 2005, 03:47:46 UTC
'tis the season indeed. And now it's like 90 here and I'm thinking "why didn't I put all those damn sweaters away?" Heh.

Your dream makes *me* happy. renenet and I will be doing a panel on beta-ing, actually, or on surviving the process and growing strong thereby, or something. Which should be, if nothing else, a really amusing episode of the here's-luck-and-renenet-show™.


anonymous June 7 2005, 20:48:40 UTC
Let me just take this opportunity to tell everyone that the dinner (the asparagus soup and mushroom strudel in particular) was completely out of control! So tasty! And I learned how to make crèpes! Thank you!

the grrly grrl


heresluck June 8 2005, 03:48:28 UTC
So glad you liked, my dear!

Mmm, crepes...


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