[Dated to Friday the 13th]

May 11, 2011 12:59

Soon, Wolf knows, the moon will be big and full.

At night, from the place he's been sleeping on the beach, he watches her in the sky and every night she gets a little fatter, a little closer to his moon. Time is ticking down and soon he'll be running with the moon, but before that happens, Wolf needs to make sure the new herd is safe.

There are the animals -- the cows don't look like his cows, but they're close enough -- and so he's trying to find the girl with the pretty red hair who looks after them. Wolf's never met her, but he's seen her around the barn and in the garden and Wolfs remember things when the things are important enough. He's looking for her, wearing his new overalls and a red t-shirt, hands in his pockets and feet bare. Looking inconspicuous isn't something Wolf is very good at, but he's trying, wandering here and there, looking for the red haired girl or any of his new friends from the beach.

When he finds them, he'll have to be very clear. Already, he's trying to plan out the words he'll say to tell them what they need to understand. Wolfs go with the moon and Wolfs can be dangerous. The herd needs to be kept safe, he has to make that clear, too, because a Wolf who hurts the herd is damned and he's scared of that. He doesn't want to be damned.

Strolling around the area near the Compound -- which he still doesn't like, which still smells too much, even though people say he can't smell things anymore like he used to, he can smell too many people in there -- Wolf chews his bottom lip and tries to think of all the right words. When he sees a familiar face, he smiles, his mouth stretched wide and he waves.

"Hi!" he calls happily. "Wolf is sure glad to see you! Sure am! Right here and now!"
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