I'm a card-carrying Green Party member now!

May 23, 2006 22:17

I got my voter registration card in the mail a few days ago, proclaiming me to be a registered member of the Green Party. I also joined the Contra Costa Greens yesterday, and should have a t-shirt and bumper sticker on their way to me very soon. (And yes, the sticker will go on my car). :)

Go GREEN! :)

See more progress on: Join the Green Party

politics, activism

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Comments 6

robingrace May 24 2006, 19:10:03 UTC
Regarding the "Lesser of two evils", that must be a common think, because I had that same idea, that by voting for someone other than the main two contenders I was wasting my vote. So last time I voted as I wanted to. Even though that candidate would never win, I decided that it was my integrity that I compromised when I voted against my first choice.

I think if everyone started to vote like we are, we could make a difference. Or maybe that's unreal. I don't know, but at least we don't violate our own integrity. :)


voting your conscience synergy May 25 2006, 15:07:01 UTC
I agree with you completely. Now if only we could convince the 50% of whatever % that doesn't vote. And the middle of the road people who do.


Re: voting your conscience robingrace May 25 2006, 15:50:46 UTC
TOTALLY!! We need to change the fact that more Americans vote on American Idol, than for the presidency. :)


here_be_dragons May 25 2006, 19:27:33 UTC
WORD! I think you're totally right. If everyone would vote their conscious (and get off their butts and actually VOTE), things would be different. Hopefully WILL be different, in the not-too-distant future.

You know, this is one thing in which YOU inspired me, sissy! Because I did vote for Kerry, and wished afterwards that I'd done what you did, and voted my true conscience. :)


go green synergy May 25 2006, 15:06:05 UTC

I've never been able to make up my mind about any particular party of the "non-parties." So I just don't belong to one in particular.


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