
Mar 21, 2006 22:39

For the past several days, I've wanted to sit down and write an entry, but haven't quite managed to do it. Well, I started a couple, but I think now I'm just going to scrap those and start from scratch. So, what have I been up to the past few days?

Tackling procrastination; yoga can be a pain in the neck; a Rosicrucian Happy New Year; a visit with Joy and Amy; the little monster, Henry; and doing a Happy Dance! )

school, friends, amorc, yoga, connor, music class, robin

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Comments 7

Henry synergy March 22 2006, 20:15:33 UTC
"Henry himself is far from some macho hyper-masculine sort of kid. Henry is rather effeminate, something I wouldn't say about Connor. Not that I think it's a bad thing, either way; I just find it ironic that Henry's using that as an insult."

Well, I'm going to take this waaaaay out of context and throw an idea out there. What if this father who tells Henry that a whole country's people are evil also gives Henry a hard time for his effeminate ways? If this is something that's been said often to him by the father (or other parent/guardian close person) he'd turn around and parrot it, don't you think? Because it's what they've been taught?

Just a thought. The child doesn't sound quite right.


Re: Henry here_be_dragons March 23 2006, 07:34:52 UTC
I agree that something doesn't seem right. And your theory might be on-target. His parents have always seemed nice enough, but really it's hard to tell about people when you only see them for five minutes at a time every other week or whatever. It's just really bothering me that EVERY day, Connor comes home with some complaint about Henry. And if he's being taught a bunch of weird crap at home, well, I guess I need to find a way to make sure it's not getting acted out in school. *sigh*

I guess if nothing else, it's a good lesson for Connor that there are people out there who are unpleasant, and sometimes you just need to learn to deal with them or ignore them. But I'm still going to talk to his teacher about it when I have the chance. :(


joyliveshere March 22 2006, 23:01:07 UTC
I say pop the little fuck in the nose.

We were really happy to see you, too. We don't take just anyone to Sushi Sam. ;-D


here_be_dragons March 23 2006, 07:37:56 UTC
LOL! Yeah, I'm starting to lean towards "pop him in the nose" too. *sigh* It would make things much easier for me. Well, in the short run, anyway. And would probably make Connor feel better. Again, in the short run. :D

Ooh! I feel very honored, then, because Sushi Sam ROCKS. (You two are pretty cool, too, for that matter. And Chewie OF COURSE. I would never forget to mention the splendor that is Chewie).

You know, though, I'm feeling kind of bad mocking him like this now, what with the IV and everything. Poor sweet thing. (Did I just call him sweet)? ;)


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here_be_dragons March 23 2006, 07:40:19 UTC
Yeah, I'd definitely say Henry has self-esteem issues. Come to think of it, I've also seen him be really hard on himself. Sometimes, he calls himself stupid (over and over, in fact), and he can also get really frustrated when doing artwork - he's a real perfectionist, and sometimes he decides he's doing something wrong, and just loses it and destroys his artwork - and then, of course wants to start again, which isn't always possible given the time frame or the available materials. *sigh* Well, thinking about this stuff is making me feel sorry for him. Which is good, really. Better than feeling anger - I'm more likely to try and help him, rather than just defend Connor against him.


But yeah, there is a lot of cool fun stuff happening, too. :)


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here_be_dragons March 24 2006, 07:08:32 UTC
Oh, that sounds like a really good approach. To try and get some sympathy/empathy going for Henry. Because the more I think about it, the more it sounds like Henry really does have some problems, and needs help with his own issues. And I am, in general, good at sending compassion to those who have hurt me, although that is easier when the person is at a distance - I'm not sure how it will work for Connor who's putting up with being mocked, etc., every day. But it's definitely worth a try.


robingrace March 24 2006, 07:10:49 UTC
Yes, and how cool was it that Henry wasn't at school today!! Coincidence? Or no? Maybe he couldn't confront you after the evilness you have been busting him on. Seriously. Poor kiddo. I think he for sure has some questionable parenting going on. :(

I am glad that we were able to counteract the unhappiness he caused you!!!


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