Project 365, Day 60 - Another DIY Project

Jun 03, 2008 15:45

Day 60 - Another DIY Project, originally uploaded by Here Be Dragons.
Day 60, which means I've been doing 365 for two months now. One sixth of the way through. I'm really enjoying it so far, and I'm still finding subjects for photos, so the fact that I still have 10 months to go really doesn't seem that daunting. (Ask me again in November, and we'll see how I'm feeling then). :D

In honor of this "milestone," I'm going to have a little contest. Today's photo shows some things I bought today at the fabric store and the hardware store. Yes, there's another DIY project in the making, this time with no instructions or patterns - I'm just making it up as I go.

Can you guess what I'm going to make?

The first person who comments with the correct answer will win a special prize, something I'll crochet or knit just for you! If no one guesses correctly, I'll pick the answer which made me laugh the most, and that will be the winner. (So feel free to make a legitimate guess, along with a humorous one, so you can maximize your chances). I'll reveal the answer in a few days - after I've actually built the thing.

Good luck!

ETA: If you stumbled upon this entry, but don't have a LiveJournal, you're welcome to play - just make sure to include in your comment some way that I could reach you if end up winning the prize.

games, 365

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