Title: Playing by Heart
Genre: Gen, fluffy friendship. Chad-centric with slight IshiHime that just snuck in there when my back was turned.
Rating: G, pretty much
Word Count: 2,493
Summary: Chad's in a band. Disastrous fashion ensues. Because random anime shots where Chad's got a guitar = TOTALLY CANON.
bleach_flashfic September entry for
empath_eia. I am the
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Comments 10
Things I loved:
-ectoplasm on the carpet.
-Rukia 'happening' to be standing on a telephone pole.
-Karin keeping track of Chad. (totally doesn't OTP them)
-Rukia doing research on the internet.
-Rukia and Renji's outfits. God, I would kill to see that in fanart. XD
-"I'll be able to manage... something... for Abarai." Oh Ishida, ilu.
-Matching outfits. :D I'm not averse to a little IshiHime now and then.
So anyway. Yeah. Loved it, thank you so much, and I don't mind that it's late at all. I tend to lose track of time anyway. *shrug*
Shinigami "happen" to stand on telephone poles all the time, but you know she was hoping to drop something heavy on the other dudes' heads so she could chat with Chad and not be bored. And Karin is TOTALLY their #1 fan, I totally don't otp them myself. Don't ask me where the sausages thing came from, I just kinda went random Engrish. And I would LOVE to see fanart of Renji's outfit myself, because...oh god. The basic shape of it at least is something like this, at least for the top part. Rukia just looks kinda funky.
lol, I don't like talking about myself or anything. I'm so glad you liked! <3 <3 <3
Thank you for sharing your fic!!!
The crack sprinkles were yummy BTW.
Hilarious and lovely fic.
Thank you!
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