Title: Setting Sun, Rising Moon (part 7 of 12)
Rating: PG for this chapter
Word Count: 4,766
Summary: Half a century ago, Ichigo became a substitute shinigami while he was still alive. At the end of that life, it's time to become the real thing, but with death comes unexpected challenges-not the least of which is that presented by seeing Rukia
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Comments 49
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Thank you very much. :D The integration of Ichigo is as much a part of the story as the romance. Originally it was going to be more about that side of things...but it turned out to not be so interesting. :D
What songs do you listen to?
My chest got all tight, and I could feel my heart in my throat at the end there, but no tears!! So HAHA!!!! You have yet to make me cry.
As usual the pacing is uber effective, u manage simultaneous storylines that manage to be relevant to each other, but u don't blur them or make them confusing. That's great story-telling there.
As the Yeah Yeah Yeahs would say "there ain't no modern romance"
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