Forever21 Spree #2 (A) & (B) - COMPLETED!

May 01, 2008 13:06

Spree: Forever21 Spree #2
Spree URL:
(A) -
(B) -
Status as of 17 May 2008 12:49 PM: COMPLETED!
Order Date (A): Apr 23, 2008 at 9:09 PM | (B): Apr 24, 2008 at 9:29 PM
Order Number (A): 21597980 | (B): 21602227

10 May 2008
emptycloset/Yongqi: Self-Collection COLLECTED
shopiholic/Sharmaine: Meet-Up on Saturday, 10/05/2008 COLLECTED
amaryllis-07/adilin ismail: Meet-Up on Saturday, 10/05/2008 COLLECTED
xunfazedx/Ee Chin: Normal Mail MAILED
missy_lydz/Lydia: Normal Mail MAILED
rememberthegood/imee: Normail Mail MAILED
feliqque: Registered Mail MAILED (RR621315483SG)
asirac_ /carisa: Registered Mail MAILED
onemisstep/vanessa: Registered Mail MAILED (RR621687286SG)
Sery Danceholic: Combine w/ GJ #2 COLLECTED

08 May 2008
Items are already at my place.. yeayyy!


Refer to the "Top-Up Due" column
» Amount highlighted in BLUE and bold, are the amount you need to top-up
» Amount highlighted in RED, are the amount i need to refund you

To Take Note:
»There will be a handling fee of $0.50 if you opt for mail.
» Please make your top-ups to: POSB Savings 010427533
» Post the transaction details on this spree updates page once you've made the top-up.
» I will only mail out AFTER i receive your top-up, otherwise it will not be entertained.

Please post your transaction details in the following format:

IB Nick:
    Transaction Reference:
    Location: - for ATM transfers-


07 May 2008
Our shipment is already in SG, and due to arrive at my place within this week.

so to facilitate distribution, here are ways you can collect your items:
» Mass meetup on Saturday, 10/05/2008 - 05:30PM to 7:00 PM @ Outside ZARA Liat Tower
» Self-collection at Bukit Panjang
» Normal Mail - charges according to postage rate by SingPost
» Registered Mail - will cost an additional S$2.25 on top of postage fees

If you're opting for mail, i strongly strongly recommend using Registered Mail to ensure that your package reaches you safely; i cant help much and wont be held responsible should your package get lost via Normal Mail.

Please post your collection preference in the following format:

LJ nick / name:
    Method of collection: MEETUP / NORMAL MAIL / REGISTERED MAIL
    Mobile number: - if you opt for meet-up -
    Mailing address: - if you opt for mail -

I will do the calculations for final top-ups after the items arrives at my place and i have received your collection preferences. :)

02 May 2008
Both package has reached vPOSTUSA, and i've paid for shipping charges.
it is now being processed at vPOST US address.
will update once package reach my place, which will take 5-8 working days.

keep a lookout for updates! :)

28 Apr 2008
Both batch has been shipped out to vPost.
will reach vPost in about 5-10 business days. :)

27 Apr 2008
Orders for both batch has been placed. Awaiting for F21 to pack and ship out the items to vPost..
1 item from Batch B went OOS. Sent email to affected spree-er.)

ps: i'm updating both sprees under one entry, because i'm just being lazy and didnt wanna post the same entry twice. :)
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