Title: White Release Rating: R Pairing: One-sided (at least) Rockso/Toki Warning: Talk of drug use, masturbation, and...release. Notes: 2nd person POV.
Thank you! <333333 When I can do good fanart, hopefully I can make something like Toki in Rockso's clothes or at least in his hat. I think there's total cute potential.
When have you ever been able to curb your own addictions anyway?
Toki is an addiction. Perfectttt.
Beautiful little drabble. And oh god, I NEED fanart of Toki in Rockso's hat. That mental image was so awesome it took my brain a bit to remember what the fuck hat you were talking about. XD Stupid fucking brain.
anyway. *hugs*
ps, this: Toki Wartooth is at his most bright and beautiful when he's shining on your pathetic darkness. So, in a twisted way, maybe you're doing him a favor.
You always look at stuff at such a weird and new wayyyy.
Comments 4
I love this line. :D
Toki Wartooth is at his most bright and beautiful when he's shining on your pathetic darkness.
Also this one.
that makes you do things like sit your hat on his head and watch him smile
And also this image. SO CUTE.
I love the highlighter/crayon thing.
Toki is an addiction. Perfectttt.
Beautiful little drabble. And oh god, I NEED fanart of Toki in Rockso's hat. That mental image was so awesome it took my brain a bit to remember what the fuck hat you were talking about. XD Stupid fucking brain.
anyway. *hugs*
ps, this: Toki Wartooth is at his most bright and beautiful when he's shining on your pathetic darkness. So, in a twisted way, maybe you're doing him a favor.
You always look at stuff at such a weird and new wayyyy.
I should try and make that fanart sometime.
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