Title: The King's Man Pairing: Chanhee/Byunghun Rating: NC-17 Genre: AU Previous Chapters: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven Disclaimer: They belong to Andy, not me.
Oh sweetie, I am just happy that you posted at all and it was a lovely chapter. The need for trust to be re-established is important and you should them making their way back to it . And....Your health is more important than anything. Take your time , get some rest, be well.
Do not worry about the length of the chapter, it was sweet! I'm wondering what will happen to Daniel if/when? they find out that it was him. But the queen too hmm oh so many questions. This is my favorite chunjoE fic and I always have to take at least five minutes to calm myself down before reading when I see that you've written a new chapter ;A;
Take your time with the next chapter and focus on getting well soon! Do not force yourself if you're feeling ill, writing is supposed to be fun, right?
I will stick with this story til the end of it :')
Comments 4
My head keeps wanting to see daniel try again... (I think I'm mean to my bias like that.)
Don't worry about the length. I think it's pretty long for a chapter already. c:
Rest well. It seems like everyone is getting sick around this time...
. And....Your health is more important than anything. Take your time , get some rest, be well.
Take your time with the next chapter and focus on getting well soon! Do not force yourself if you're feeling ill, writing is supposed to be fun, right?
I will stick with this story til the end of it :')
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