Friends: What do you think about the Crimson Badgers? <3 Sex: Blondes, brunettes, redheads etc. Which turns you on the most, in general? Music: Do you like any classical music (OMG! V!)? Religion: Do you think you are tolerant of other people's religious beliefs? Love: "Ever fallen in love In love with someone You shouldn't've fallen in love with?" Livejournal: What do you honestly think about Livejournal overall?
It's honestly surprising that so many people can come together with the same awesome sense of fun and humour, I couldn't find a better bunch of wankers if I tried <3<3
It's hard to choose really. Redheads with bright green eyes work, as do blondes with bright blue eyes, etc. It's all about the balance.
Yeah, though I don't listen to a lot, I do like a lot of it (CLASSIC 10 LOL)
As long as they keep their religeon to themselves, yes. I don't like it when people try to impose their belief system on others, in fact it's the most irritating thing anyone can do, in my opinion.
Looking back on a couple of relationships, yes.
I don't update it enough, looking at other peoples' journals. I've probably done more memes than "real" updates.
Good questions :D I actually thought about 1 and 3 for a few minutes each :P
Comments 6
Sex - Are you aware that if you write the word 'Sex' backwards it spells absolutely nothing?
Music - I'm gonna be totally unoriginal here and ask you your favorite genre.
Religion - Are you religious? (Again with the unoriginal.)
Love - Do you like love-hearts? (You know, the little sweets with the lame messages on them. =D)
LiveJournal - How many LiveJournals have you owned, got bored of, deleted and then decided to start again? (We all do it)
- I am now :D
- Right now, happy hardcore.
- Nope =D
- They're nice, but not as nice as refreshers.
- This is my 2nd (DDR_Usagi for the old one, it didn't see much action)
2. Want to?
4. Have one?
5. Are you?
6. Update more?
2. Yes! :D
4. Nope.
5. Nope.
6. I always say I will, it's like a new year's resolution!
Sex: Blondes, brunettes, redheads etc. Which turns you on the most, in general?
Music: Do you like any classical music (OMG! V!)?
Religion: Do you think you are tolerant of other people's religious beliefs?
Love: "Ever fallen in love In love with someone You shouldn't've fallen in love with?"
Livejournal: What do you honestly think about Livejournal overall?
It's hard to choose really. Redheads with bright green eyes work, as do blondes with bright blue eyes, etc. It's all about the balance.
Yeah, though I don't listen to a lot, I do like a lot of it (CLASSIC 10 LOL)
As long as they keep their religeon to themselves, yes. I don't like it when people try to impose their belief system on others, in fact it's the most irritating thing anyone can do, in my opinion.
Looking back on a couple of relationships, yes.
I don't update it enough, looking at other peoples' journals. I've probably done more memes than "real" updates.
Good questions :D I actually thought about 1 and 3 for a few minutes each :P
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