
Mar 20, 2009 12:12

just took my grad photos! Simply by virtue of being picture of me, they'll probably come out all weird - but they're for giving away! I pretty much have no need for them. lol, my aunt told me i looked like a rasta when I left the house too :P ( Read more... )

birthdays, pics, spam!

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Comments 11

wedschilde March 20 2009, 17:29:56 UTC
i was early. i'll spam her birthday tomorrow too! :D


helzfyah March 21 2009, 04:05:27 UTC
shh... i'm trying to write her dongbang!fairytales. We'll see!


anamuan March 21 2009, 00:55:24 UTC
:O does that mean i shall get one in the mail? *hinthint*


helzfyah March 21 2009, 04:06:05 UTC
lol, do you really want one? I swear, I probably look insane!


anamuan March 21 2009, 04:08:06 UTC
if you give them away to all the people you need/want to give them to then YES! :Dv but rl people come first ne.


helzfyah March 21 2009, 04:10:20 UTC
lol yeah, i've got a family the size of a village - but I'll probably post it here for everyone to see the crazy, so you'll see it someway or another!


bellasurus March 21 2009, 01:59:05 UTC
oooo scan! show! wanna see :D

thank you dear~ *huggleglomps*


helzfyah March 21 2009, 04:06:42 UTC

i'll scan 'em in when they come in two weeks!


enraged March 22 2009, 02:20:33 UTC
oooh, grad photos! i hope you get around to posting them sometime!


helzfyah March 23 2009, 01:13:12 UTC
i will! the photo people said they'd be ready in about two weeks, so look for them then?


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