Jan 19, 2007 17:16

Y'all, I have this sneaking suspicion that we are all kind of the same person, to a certain extent.

Also, it is Friday and I am killing time, and a good way to do that is to make a large poll.
Side note: why did none of you encourage me more fervently to investigate LibraryThing??? Seriously.



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Comments 16

missmarch January 19 2007, 23:33:54 UTC
I love Librarything, although I haven't updated my listings lately. I need to get busy.

I'll probably be the only person who answers this poll who *doesn't* own an mp3 player.


helpwess January 19 2007, 23:37:05 UTC
dude dude let's be library thingers toGETHER!!!!


missdeviant January 19 2007, 23:45:03 UTC
I guess I have to start actually CATALOGING on librarything now? so we can be cool together?

blah blah blah blah.

we already knew we were the same anyway.

(used to have netflix, tivo, until I gave up on Dylan. sigh. I miss tivo)


helpwess January 19 2007, 23:47:16 UTC
YES YES YES i cannot wait to see our identical libraries.
also i have to spend some serious time on this this weekend because right now i'm like, ooh, what books do i have in common with this person? oh. right. all the HP and dark tower books, AGAIN


missdeviant January 19 2007, 23:51:12 UTC
My problem is that the books I OWN are not the books I READ (I mean, I read the books I own, but I also read 100x that) and I do not want to start filling out because I have way way more than the first-200-are-free.

If I cannot fill out my library accurately, how will librarything truly reflect me??

I plan to make the Cabot effort soon enough as I am WELL overdue; I have a feeling my Princess Diaries orders (from NOVEMBER) are just sitting in the basement, waiting to be cataloged. Stupid flood. Stupid tech staff.


helpwess January 19 2007, 23:54:54 UTC
right right; do i add every book in our house, even if they are books that i haven't read? where do i draw the line among books I plan to read and books that came with chrs that I don't plan to read? ?

i know that i am married and things are supposed to be "ours" now, but that book about XTC is really not something i think i am going to read.


hildawookie January 19 2007, 23:53:47 UTC
I don't have a cat, but I do have a lovely dog, Hilda. I don't do netflix, I do blockbuster, and I can't knit, but I embroider.

I also watched every Buffy episode as it aired to the very end.


helpwess January 19 2007, 23:56:17 UTC
Yeah, I have a dog too, and I also rent from a local place in addition to netflix, and we watched buffy in one go on dvd, but I was looking for the biggest group of crossovers in the Venn diagram of my flist--mainly, that a lot of us knit and are in some fashion involved in libraries. WTF, flist?


hildawookie January 20 2007, 00:05:29 UTC
Does it help if I know a lot of people who are knitters and librarians. I visit the library daily at school...I feel like I failed the poll. ;)


r_a_l_i_g_h January 20 2007, 00:03:30 UTC
Hi, I'm the youthful geezer on your flist who doesn't have a mp3 player OR Tivo OR Netflix, nor uses a mac or firefox (only switched from IE like 4-6 months ago). [wavery, toothless, old person voice] I just don't understand these newfangled doodads.

I DID work at a library and I had not heard of LibraryThing but I think it may be Only The Most Amazing Thing EVER.


r_a_l_i_g_h January 20 2007, 00:06:39 UTC
Also, I REALLY want to read a book that fullfills all the example tags on the LibraryThing homepage - "(WWII, Victorian, philosophy of science, vampires, theology, dogs)"

Thinking about it is making me laugh.

I think my brain needs sugar.


bijal January 20 2007, 03:59:30 UTC
I feel I must add a postscript to my answers, because there were choices I wanted to click but did not on account of pesky technicalities, such as:
+ I am planning on attending library school in the fall and would like to work in archives.
+ I am learning to knit, but I do not actually knit. I feel I cannot say I knit until I actually finish something.
+ I am reading the Time Traveler's Wife, but I'm not done.
+ I did watch Buffy as it aired, but only from S5 onwards (while simultaneously catching up), so I don't know if that counts?

Library Thing is awesome, but I don't use it because I didn't bring all my books with me during my last move (woe!) and I am too anal to be represented with only half my library.


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