Feb 07, 2010 04:43
Offer: Postcards for a year! I'll send you one postcard a month for a full year. I don't like posting place-information on the wide web, so the location will remain a mystery until you get the first card. :) I'll probably write you mostly slice-of-life-here observations, things like: what it looks like, what things are growing, the weather, funny conversations I've overheard, local customs, observations of local fairs, etc. I know my handwriting is a bit cramped so I can type up the message (in whatever format would make it easiest for you to read) and post you the typed letter and the blank postcard if that would be easier for you. The postcards will be written in a house that has cats and peanuts (or I can write them at work, which has no animals. It may still have peanuts, I can't really control what other people eat there.).
Contact: PM me at my DW or LJ account, or leave a comment on any post. I will give my email address to the winner.
Delivery: The first one will be posted within a month of the close of auction. Postcards will be sent once a month for a year.
Minimum bid: $1
Buy It Now: $50 (Now that bidding has commenced, the BIN price is irrelevant.)
offered: letters and postcards,
seller: fish-echo