Pinch-hitter Offers (All types)

Aug 21, 2010 01:37

So first of all: the response has been amazing, you guys! I may or may not have teared up earlier today.

I will make a post later about some common concerns that have come up in the questions post but for now, because our offering is well underway, this seems to be a good time for this post.

So we have had some questions about what would happen in ( Read more... )

pinch-hits, offerings

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Comments 51

Pinch Hit offer :) emerald_embers August 21 2010, 09:20:49 UTC
User Name: emerald_embers
Email address: emeraldembers at gmail dot com
You can see things I've created at:

I am offering: Pinch hits for podfics or fanfiction.

Fandoms (if appropriate): For podfic, any. For fanfiction - Good Omens, Sherlock (BBC), Supernatural, and most videogame fandoms.

Additional Info (optional): Willing to write gen, het, slash or femslash, G through NC17 for the rating, only limitations are I won't write underage porn, parent/child incest, or non-con. I'm open to most kinks, crossovers, and AUs.

Starting Bid: n/a!


Re: Pinch Hit offer :) emerald_embers August 23 2010, 00:18:31 UTC
* probably should point out, for fanfic this would be stories of minimum 1000 words, no maximum, and for podfic this would be readings of up to 5000 words :).


takhallus August 21 2010, 10:44:30 UTC
User Name: takhallus

Email address:

YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ horosexual @ aim (optional):

You can see things I've created at:

I am offering: M/M Slash Fiction

Fandoms (if appropriate): Heroes, rps, Star Trek XI, Supernatural

Additional Info (optional):


Pinch Hit: Podfic gaudysalamander August 21 2010, 13:07:32 UTC
User Name:


Pinch Hit Offer caera1996 August 21 2010, 13:58:03 UTC
User Name: Caera1996
Email address:
You can see things I've created at: my LJ and on under the same name
I am offering: to pinch hit for fanfiction - Star Trek XI (AOS)
Additional Info (optional): There are some kinks I don't write, but pretty much anything else, including any rating, in that fandom is okay.


Fanfiction Pinch-Hit saintdogstreet August 21 2010, 17:41:52 UTC
I've offered up a fic, but if it's not bid on/I have extra time I'll gladly step in and pinch-hit.

User Name: saintdogstreet
Email address:
You can see things I've created at:
my journal here --
and more at my FFN account --

I am offering: Fanfic, any length up to around 6000k.
Fandoms (if appropriate): Supernatural, Star Trek, Sherlock Holmes, Inception, Life on Mars, White Collar, Firefly, Buffy, Torchwood, Good Omens, Leverage, Watchmen and many, many more, just ask.
Additional Info (optional): Will write basically anything -- slash, het, femslash, angst, humour, action, romance, gen, h/c, porn, kinky porn, threesomes, moresomes, crack, crossover. . . almost anything.


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