Freebie Offerings

Aug 15, 2010 09:31

A few people have offered beta reading services for anyone writing a fic (original or fanfic) for help_pakistan, and others have offered icons or banners for specific fandoms for those Offering or Bidding. So we set up this thread for you!

No bidding allowed. :D

How to OfferPlease list the type of item and fandom (if relevant) in the Subject to your post ( Read more... )

offerings, freebies

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Comments 30

Beta arizonaicerose August 19 2010, 06:38:36 UTC
User Name: arizonaicerose

I am offering: I am offering to beta for anyone who would like it for this auction.

If it's beta reading services, how many people can you beta for? I can take 3 people at a time, however if you would like to be put on a waiting list I can tell you when I get done with the others.

Fandoms/Ships/Characters: 07-Ghost, Avatar: Last Airbender, Black Cat, Card Captor Sakura, Case Closed (Detective Conan), CSI, Cowboy Bebop, D.Gray-man, DNAngel, Fruits Basket, FullMetal Alchemist, Gravitation, Hetalia, House MD, InuYahsa, Kuroshitsuji, Loveless, NCIS, Pandora Hearts, SaiYuki, Trigun, Tsubasa Chronicle, X/1999, xxxholic, Xiaolin Showdown, Yami no Matsuei, Yu-Gi-Oh and Yu Yu Hakusho

Additional Info: So just because the fandom you would like me to look at isn't on the list it doesn't mean I won't beta. It just means that characterization, canon checks and stuff like that I will be unable to do. However I can still do spelling, grammar and checks like that.


Re: Beta rayiroth August 24 2010, 09:03:26 UTC
What's the price? XD

Also, I hardly ever write, ever. When I do the only thing I ask for is correcting my dreadful English. So if I do bid on you, is it possible for me to have you on reserve and might come to you in say, a year's time?


Re: Beta arizonaicerose August 24 2010, 20:14:32 UTC
It's totally free here!

And I'd be more then happy to work with you when ever you need me (just mention this community and I'll always be happy to help however I can!)


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Re: beta indusnm August 22 2010, 15:42:36 UTC
Hi, I need one person to beta a 5000 word fic for me, an RPS with the characters from Star Trek the reboot but based on the movie blind dating. Honestly, I don't really need any help with the story or characters, since it's an AU, more just with grammar and making sure I'm not offending anyone (the main character is blind- I've written one part of it and it got positive reviews so I don't think that should be a problem). Would that be okay?

This is a little preliminary because the person asking could lose the bidding but I haven't had a lot of traffic on my offering so I doubt that will happen.

I would definitely appreciate the help! Oh, my offering is here:


ilovetakahana August 20 2010, 19:51:51 UTC
User Name: ilovetakahana

YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ (optional): YM - kuroshibara // Gmail -

You can see things I've created/beta read at (optional): My fic is here

If it's beta reading services, how many people can you beta for? I can beta for up to 5 people.

Fandoms/Ships/Characters (if appropriate): Most prominent fandoms are Sherlock (2010 BBC miniseries), Doctor Who (Ninth-Eleventh), Inception, and Takarazuka Kagekidan.

Additional Info (optional): If the story is in other fandoms, I can still offer spell-check and grammar-check services. Otherwise, I can help with canon checks and some Britpicking [since the first two fandoms I listed are UK-based].


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rheasilvia August 22 2010, 21:34:40 UTC
How long can the stories you'll beta be? (I ask because I have a story that's over 200k...)


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rheasilvia August 22 2010, 22:27:57 UTC
No problem, that's why I asked. :-) (I wouldn't mind about it taking longer, but I am aware of what a time commitment beating such a long story is!!)


lilithilien August 21 2010, 19:34:25 UTC
User Name: Lilithilien (primarily on insanejournal)

You can see things I've created/beta read at: My fanworks are at; I beta most frequently for sarcasticchick (sarcasticbabble and aldiara

I am offering: beta services

If it's beta reading services, how many people can you beta for? by October 1st, one medium sized fic (up to 20K words)

Fandoms/Ships/Characters (if appropriate): Merlin, HP, Torchwood, Doctor Who, SGA, Alles Was Zaehlt

Additional info: I am happy to read in other fandoms, but canon critique will be limited. I'm comfortable with slash, het, and gen.


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