Oh, that would be fantastic. :D They did not have much hope of finding a pinch-hitter interested in that pairing, so that would be a nice surprise, indeed! Do you have any idea by when you could have it completed, give or take?
Hi! :o) It's my own turn to apologise for the lateness of this reply - so sorry! Would you still have the time to do it? I understand if you no longer have the time, now, but it would be lovely if you did.
Great! :D I think we have one of them covered, but am waiting for a reply from the other two regarding the details of the fic. Just for reference, what would you consider 'fairly short'? I'll let you know either way when I get a reply from them. Thank you very much for offering!
I'm interested in volunteering for the Sentinel/Star Trek crossover, but I have to admit that my knowledge of Sentinel comes mainly from Stargate: Atlantis crossovers... which seem to depict the Sentinel canon somewhat variably.
OK, firstly, thank you so much for the offer! :D I'm amazed by how willing people are to help out. I'm going to contact heeroluva and see how she feels about this, and let her decide. I know she's really busy right know, so apologies if it takes us a few days to get back to you!
I'd give the direct link but I'm on my phone and don't know how to... But if she wants to go to my LJ, my first post has links to all my fics. I've written one Trek fic, Amok Time Rebooted. A Sentinel cross would be less excessively porny, but that's my writing style and how I see nu Kirk and Spock.
It's been two weeks... is everyone still real busy, or is she not interested in my pinch hitting, given my lack of Sentinel canon? Either way's fine, but if I don't hear back, I will assume that I'm released from my obligation. I did really like the idea and might write it anyway. I'll let heeroluva know if I do.
I never got a response about whether you'd received the confirmation of my donation. I didn't copy my offeror on that, so i'd love to know if you did. Thanks!
Comments 65
Thank you for your patience with me. >>
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Thank you very much for your help!
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nu Kirk and Spock.
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