First round: Fanvids/Fanmixes

Mar 02, 2010 22:07

First round: Fanvids/fanmixes

Rules & Bidding
Bidding Rules:

Bid by commenting to the Offering post.

Bids must be raised by at least a dollar per bid (U.S. Dollar, no exception)

Please do not delete comment containing a bid - if you have an issue, please comment to your bid explaining what happened, or contact a Comm mod.

How to bid:

The Fanviders and fanmixers have posted every offering from this type below in a comment like this example:

User Name: Fandomy Person
Email address: myname at mail dot com
You can see things I've created at: Link to my artwork
I am offering: Fanvid/Fanmix
Fandoms: Harry Potter, Sakura Card Captors, X-Files.
Music abilities: I prefer to vid fast beat songs. Don’t like vid instrumental.
Additional Info (optional): None.
Donation Minimum: $3

Read them and if you like one or more, then bid! You just have to write a reply to the offering with your bid (i.e.: $5). Do not post what fandom you want your fanvid/fanmix to be or anything else. ONLY your bid.

This auction will close on Wednesday 10th, 2010 at 16:00 PM (GMT).

If I win the offering, what happens next?

Then read the Auction Closing Process very closely.

offering, !auction

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