If you'd like to participate in the auction, this is the place to do it. Please comment below with what you are offering for people to bid on
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User Name: Winnywriter Email address: artiste411@gmail.com YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ/MSN/Other Way to contact you (optional): I'm on twitter: @winnywriter You can see things I've created at: My fanfiction.net account here I'm currently only working on one major thing for House MD. It's my biggest project at the moment.
I am offering: Oneshot (up to ~10k words, but I'm flexible on that, just nothing outrageous) or short multi-chap story (no more than maybe ~5 chapters)
Fandoms/Pairings (if appropriate): House MD. Huddy or Hilson
Additional Info: I'm willing to negotiate things if you REALLY want a certain other pairing and also things like word count etc. But I will only write for House MD.
Email address: artiste411@gmail.com
YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ/MSN/Other Way to contact you (optional): I'm on twitter: @winnywriter
You can see things I've created at: My fanfiction.net account here I'm currently only working on one major thing for House MD. It's my biggest project at the moment.
I am offering: Oneshot (up to ~10k words, but I'm flexible on that, just nothing outrageous) or short multi-chap story (no more than maybe ~5 chapters)
Fandoms/Pairings (if appropriate): House MD. Huddy or Hilson
Additional Info: I'm willing to negotiate things if you REALLY want a certain other pairing and also things like word count etc. But I will only write for House MD.
Starting Bid (in USD): $10
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