This auction post will remain open until Sunday, May 8, 4 PM (GMT+0). (Timetable with multiple time-zone conversions
Attention offerers: If you’d like to participate in the auction by offering audio work - podfics, audio editing services, original music, filks, fanmixes, and related things - please comment here with what you’re offering. (If you are offering audio work that was purchased / not created by you (e.g. band CDs), please offer at the
Interesting Stuff auction post.)
- One offer, one comment. If you are offering separate items from multiple subcategories (e.g. an podfic and a fanmix), submit one comment for each item. If you are offering multiple items from one subcategory (e.g. three podfics from any of your listed fandoms), submit one consolidated comment.
- In the "Additional info" section, please include the following information [choose all that apply]:
> sending more than one item to the winning bidder (e.g. a podfic AND an extra gift scarf)
> offering items within the same subcategory to multiple winning bidders (e.g. the three highest bidders will get one podfic each)
> a favored charity that will receive the winning bidder’s donation, if it does not appear on the list of vetted charity organizations
> a "buy it now" price
> whether or not you will be covering shipping expenses, if you are shipping tangible items (e.g. original sheet music) - If you are only offering buy-it-now(s) and you have reached your designated maximum amount of winners prior to the end of auction, please make a comment to your own offer thread, stating: "This offer is now closed."
- No anonymous offers allowed. No exceptions.
- How to offer: In the subject line of your comment, please list the type of item and fandom (if relevant). Then, copy the text in the form below, fill in all the fields, and paste into the body of your comment.
[ Subject line: type of item & fandom (if relevant) ]
Email address:
YM/AIM/Gtalk/ICQ (optional):
You can see things I’ve created at:
I am offering:
Fandoms (if appropriate):
Additional info:
Starting bid (in USD):
Attention bidders:
- BEFORE YOU BID: Please check out the Lightning Round Introduction Post and general FAQ page.
- All bids must be denominated in US dollars (USD). No exceptions. (Donations, however, can be made in any currency, as long as the current conversion rates are used accordingly.)
- How to bid:
> Bid by commenting to the offer thread.
> Bids must be raised by at least 1 USD.
> Please do not delete a comment containing a bid, unless it has been misplaced (i.e. to the master post instead of a particular offer thread). If you have an issue, please comment to your bid explaining what happened, or PM one of the mods. (Your mods are hesselives, carolinelamb, and tucuxi.)
> No anonymous bids allowed. No exceptions. - You may browse offers by category, fandom, username, and/or other specifics using the lightning round Delicious account.