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Comments 16

aislingthegreat October 2 2010, 23:21:12 UTC
You have a life-sized polar bear? Are you secretly Canada?:P

Oh well, the rain will add an extra layer of challenge for the golfers. And it doesn't always rain in Wales! Due to a pact that Wales made with the devil/God/Tony/that dragon on the flag, they get two hours of sunshine every ten years. It's a cause for great celebration, doncha know.:D


hellzabeth October 4 2010, 10:37:18 UTC
Oh Maple. You caught me eh?

I just found the image of Tiger Woods looking thoroughly miserable under an umbrella on the front of The Times hilarious. Oh Wales.


taudrey October 2 2010, 23:58:53 UTC
I secretly curse the good luck of guys to go around as hairy as they want. Girls are mammals too orz.

But then I realize that I don't like hairy women.

And there isn't any reason to be ashamed of a life-sized stuffed polar bear. I have a life-sized stuffed Daffy Duck myself, which I sometimes strap into the passenger seat to weird people out. n.n


hellzabeth October 4 2010, 10:38:45 UTC
Good point. Why do men get to be such slobs and still be acceptable ;n;

I certainly would be weirded out if I saw that in my rear view mirror. XD But I do the same to Kumajiro (the bear) on the way to photoshoots and the like.


News Flash! It still be raining where I live in England (has been since Friday) soadade October 3 2010, 09:47:24 UTC
It would be so weird... If everyone had beards 0.0 But... if we always had had them I guess we wouldn't think that way... but so weird...
Watching silly people IS amusing XD


hellzabeth October 4 2010, 10:39:25 UTC
The world would be a vastly different place. Just think. Kiera Knightly with facial hair.


soadade October 4 2010, 10:51:15 UTC
Pirates of the Caribbean would look so weird if she had a beard DX
Ewww, you've given me disturbing images!!!!


lagrimadecre October 3 2010, 13:08:25 UTC
i have a little polar bear with a top hat...dont ask why it has a top hat lets just go with my english friend wanted it to look classy~ and lol silly people really are amusing XDD


hellzabeth October 4 2010, 10:39:56 UTC
That would indeed make a polar bear look classy. Does it have a bow tie?


lagrimadecre October 4 2010, 12:23:47 UTC


thera7 October 3 2010, 14:24:42 UTC
Yeah, sometimes I wish I could grow a beard... a nice blonde mustache curled at the ends. Go join the circus for Halloween with yours!

Meh, I have about 30 soft toys on my bottom bunk. Can't bear to throw them out, specially after seeing Toy Story 3. And yeah, one's a polar bear.

Damn straight it rains in England, I've done nothing all day due to it, not even herb-gathering!

...Am I reading this correctly? An Iggy pirate-hat?! So you're cosplaying?! At the MCM Expo, perchance?! :D >^_^<
Scary coincidence... I got the feathers for my one from Hobbycraft too!


hellzabeth October 4 2010, 10:41:06 UTC
Hehe I'm cosplaying as regular army Iggy at the con, with a new outfit since the old one broke. The pirate hat is just because I really want a pirate hat and there was nothing stopping me getting one off Ebay when it was only £3. XD


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