General Rules

Jun 27, 2008 13:28

1. Don't be a Dick: Don't be a dick. We cannot stress this enough. If you don't understand this rule, or understand why this rule is in place, this is not the game for you.

2. Explicit Content: This is an R rated community. Due to the difficulty and necessity of controlling such material, no NC-17 content will be allowed. This does not mean events cannot occur - characters can have sex, get raped, etc. This does mean that explicit content posted to the official communities will not be allowed. Fading to black or otherwise glossing over the scene is acceptable.

3. Non-consensual sexual activity: All non-consensual sexual activity must be approved by a mod. This is to make certain that all involved parties agree on what transpired and that there are no objections.

4. Godmoding: No Godmoding. An excellent rough description of godmoding can be found on wikipedia. If you think something you're doing might be godmoding, ask a mod. If a mod isn't available, play it safe and don't do it. This also applies to metagaming (taking OOC knowledge IC).

5. Player Disputes: Communicate with each other. We expect you to try to work out personal problems like mature adults before coming to the mods for help (Though don't be afraid to come to us!) As cantankerous old farts, the mods could not be less interested in player drama if we tried. And as cantankerous (but lovable) old farts, we have little patience for it and will not tolerate backbiting, he-said/she-said, rumor mongering, or the other immature games people enjoy playing on the interwebs. You as a player have the right to face your accuser if there are complaints or issues, barring extreme cases; we will not accept or pass on anonymous or second-hand complaints.

6. Activity: Characters are expected to remain active while played. Unless a player has announced a posting hiatus on the OOC community, characters are considered inactive after three days without posting. The first time a character is noted as not posting while still being inactive will result in a warning from the mods. Should no action be taken after two weeks, the character will be dropped and open to new applications. Three warnings will result in a dropped character, at the discretion of the mods. While characters are on hiatus, they retain no memory of time passing during their period of hiatus, and cannot be located by any means.

7. OOC community activity: We expect everyone to act as mature adults in open forums. Please do not spam the boards excessively. Do not openly insult other players whether they are or are not in a position to overhear. If a player asks you to stop a conversation with them because it makes them uncomfortable, be reasonable and listen to their request. Basically, see rule number 1. Also please respect the rules of Livejournal when posting in the OOC boards, whether or not you agree with them.

8. Character Death: While character death is a real possibility, you may absolutely not kill other characters without their player's permission. If there is a situation where a character's survival is questionable (example: 10 prisoners armed with shivs gang up on 1 unarmed prisoner in the middle of the night), please contact a mod to gain approval.

9. Player Age: You must be 16 years or older to play.

10. Posting Order: Unless you have permission from everyone involved in a thread, please follow the posting order. If someone has agreed to allow you to change the order, please note in brackets at the top of your post that you are skipping ahead with permission.

11. Dropping Characters: If a character is dropped, you are not required to kill them off; however, your character will appear, hung from the walls, the following morning. There is no "mysteriously disappearing." Your character dies.

12. The Beard Rule: To show that you've read and understood the rules, please put "A GREAT BIG BUSHY BEARD" somewhere in your application. Failure to bring A GREAT BIG BUSHY BEARD with your application will result in your application being rejected.

13. Picking up Dropped Characters: If a character is dropped, they may be applied for again; however, they will have had their memory of the times in Hell's Gate wiped and may start from any point in their history.

If you have any questions, please e-mail the mods at: mods.from.hell at gmail dot com

mod post, rules

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