Timeline: S6-S7

May 22, 2011 13:58


IMPORTANT NOTE: The writers/props department at Supernatural decided to continue their tradition of dating things for the estimated release time of the episode, ignoring the fact that, because Dean lived with Lisa for a whole year between the end of S5 and the beginning of S6, S6 should therefore start in 2011, not 2010. As always, my ( Read more... )

season 7, season 6, timeline

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Comments 49

lelaro May 28 2011, 22:23:18 UTC
seriously in awe of your time-line skills, they should definitely hire you on set for that if not your wardrobe continuity skills...


hells_half_acre May 28 2011, 22:30:12 UTC
Thank you!

And you know...if you wanted to write the show and tell them that, I wouldn't stop you - I do live in Vancouver and I AM unemployed at the moment :P


claudiapriscus May 28 2011, 22:34:13 UTC
Awesome job. Literally. I am in AWE!

But now, I must quibble!
You can get flights to Europe in the daytime. The first time I flew to the UK, it was via Munich and my flight left at 8am. ALmost all my flights (because I vowed never to leave that early ever again) have been between 10am and 2pm. In fact, I've only ever once caught a red eye flight, and it left at like 6pm? Something like that anyway.


hells_half_acre May 28 2011, 22:35:59 UTC
Well then! I stand corrected! All my flights have always been overnight...how odd. Maybe they are less expensive? I wonder why we've had such different experiences.

I'll make a note of it in the entry :) Thanks!


claudiapriscus May 28 2011, 22:59:17 UTC
They change it around- it depends where you're flying out from. When I first was flying (2004/2005) all the flights out of San Francisco/LA (My direct flight was from SF, but there were people who started their journey in LA on the plane) to the UK left at 8am or 6pm. And the flights with layovers on the East Coast left around the same time, with the East Coast flights leaving in mid afternoon.

But now, the schedules (and flight plan) have shifted, and the SFO flights leave at far more civilized hours, e.g. around lunch time.


hells_half_acre May 28 2011, 23:02:48 UTC
I always flew out of the east coast - Toronto or New York - and they left in the late afternoon and evening, so that they arrived in Europe early in the morning. I flew out of Vancouver last year, but for the life of me, I can't remember what time the plane was. I know it was still scheduled to fly overnight and arrive in the morning though. Hence, my assumption that all flights functioned that way.


borgmama1of5 May 28 2011, 23:56:28 UTC
I would love to ask the writers why they screwed up the year so badly--especially when the continuity wouldn't have been hard to keep straight! I want them to hire you to keep track of the date and the wardrobe!


hells_half_acre May 29 2011, 00:17:09 UTC
I want them to hire me too! Haha - I'm currently unemployed and in desperate need of money :P

I don't know why they messed up the year so badly. I mean, 2010+1=2011 - It's not that hard!! :P But whatever, minor quibbles really...what really matters with the show is that the stories are still good and the characters remain engaging. It's only detail-oriented people like me who notice these sorts of things (and promptly point them out to everybody).


sandymg May 28 2011, 23:57:30 UTC
BRAVO! Seriously, take a bow, gal, you sooo deserve it :) This is truly impossible. The fact that it makes anywhere near as much sense as it does is testament to your perseverence to make sense of the insensible.

I have saved to mems and will use for sure in my writing. Thanks so much for this!


hells_half_acre May 29 2011, 00:20:57 UTC
Thank you very much! *bows*

I did try to leave both options to people in terms of what year they use for their fics - so I hope it's still a useful writing tool! Personally, in all my future fics, I'm going to be sticking with logical time and adding the year to make them "right."

Of course, this problem will most likely continue into S7, but at least I'm mentally prepared for it. ;)


galwithglasses May 29 2011, 13:41:23 UTC
Nice work. I like how you worked with the crazy year that wasn't. It's pretty easy to follow your explanation and I know you were wondering about how to handle it at the beginning of the season. It's fun to see all the towns they've been to in the last season.


hells_half_acre May 29 2011, 18:49:17 UTC
Thanks! How I treated the year that wasn't is all the brain child of you-guys, my lovely helpful readers! So, I can't take any credit for that - I was going to write both years out and have it look a mess. I'm really glad someone suggested the simple asterisk.

It is neat to see how much ground they cover in a season - and where. I like to think of it as "places that might look like parts of Vancouver" - haha, they never hunt in Arizona ;)


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