Sam's Tan and Beige Plaid

Jun 22, 2002 21:46

Sam's Tan and Beige Plaid

This plaid shirt appears to do up with buttons and is most likely cut in the western style. The plaid runs diagonal up the button/snap panel. It appears to be mostly off-white with a tan/blue fairly brown plaid.

Brand: WindRiver


In Scoobynatural (13x16), Sam wears this shirt at the very beginning of the episode, when he and Dean save the pawnshop owner and get the TV as a thank you.

In Nightmare Logic (14x05), Sam wears this shirt from the beginning of the episode when they’re in the bunker until they solve the case.

In Ouroboros (14x14), Sam wears this shirt from the beginning of the episode when they find the victim, until they travel to the next town and Sam is in a new motel.
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