ALPHABET MEME: J is for Juju

Jan 08, 2011 16:09

Title: it will do thee no good
Fandom: Marvel comics (New Mutants)
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kitty Pryde, Illyana Rasputin, mentions of Scott Summers
Continuity: Set vaguely during New Mutants v1.
Summary: In which Illyana is naughty and Kitty tries to scold her, then things devolve into a pillow fight.
Disclaimer: Characters mentioned are used without permission and are trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. I do not own them and am simply borrowing for my purposes. The title is part of a quote by William Penn, which is not mine, either. Please don't sue.
[Master List is here]

(pimped to marvel_fic, newmutants, x_women and xfiction)

Illyana was smiling in that way that made everyone nervous-Kitty included. "Yana, what did you do?"


Kitty shook her head. "Illyana Rasputin!"

Throwing her hands up in surrender, she rolled her eyes. "Fine! I... may have added some bleach to Cyclops' shampoo bottle. Just a drop or two-- or twenty."

"Yana!" Kitty admonished, trying not to laugh. "That's terrible."

Illyana smirked, eyebrows raised as if to say, 'hello, have you met me?'

Shaking her head, Kitty tsked. "You just earned yourself some bad juju, kiddo."

The younger girl blinked. "Some bad what-what?"

"Juju." Kitty and Illyana stared at each other until the former finally rolled her eyes and elaborated: "You know-- like, mojo."

Illyana tilted her head. "Isn't that the stuff Austen Powers has?"

Kitty wrinkled her nose. "Um, kind of..." She shook her head again; that was a can of worms she'd rather leave alone. "Never mind."

"No, now I want to know." Illyana's blue eyes danced with amusement betraying an otherwise bland expression.

"Brat," Kitty accused without any real venom in her voice.

Yana grinned smugly. "You love me."

Kitty slung an arm over her shoulder. "Against my better judgment, I do."

Illyana blew a raspberry at her.

"But I still don't want to be around when karma gets you back," Kitty said with a smirk.

"Pfft." Illyana waved her hand casually, clearly unbothered. "I think the karma ship sailed when the soul train got derailed."

"We'll see," Kitty sang impishly.

Making a face, Yana leaned back-- then lunged forward and whapped her over the head with a pillow.

Kitty growled, pulling herself into a defensive stance as she grabbed a fluffy weapon of her own. "Oh, you're going to get it, Rasputin!" (She'd warn Scott later.)

Illyana smirked, pillow held high. "Bring it on, Pryde."

char: kitty pryde (shadowcat), char: illyana rasputin (magik), misc: alphabet meme, [comics] new mutants

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