ALPHABET MEME: K is for Kite

Oct 19, 2010 16:51

Title: stop to check you out
Prompt: kite, Zatanna
Fandom: DC comics
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Zatanna Zatara, John Constantine; hints at Zatanna/Constantine (and implied past relationship)
Summary: Zatanna Zatara and John Constantine talk. While stoned. Need I say more?
Disclaimer: Characters mentioned are used without permission and are trademarks of DC Comics, Inc. I do not own them and am simply borrowing for my purposes. Please don't sue.
[Master list here.]

(pimped to all_dc_related and ashen_wings)

Zatanna Zatara was high as a fucking kite. "John! John!" She practically tripped over John Constantine, who was sitting on an old and terribly moth eaten couch in his apartment, before crash landing beside him.

His eyes were glazed as he tipped his head forward and turned to look at her. "Mm?"

Grabbing both sides of his face, Zee looked him dead in the eyes. "John. M'i tuo fo ym ecaf!" And then she began laughing-- hard.

John smiled crookedly at her. "But what a pretty face 'tis, eh, luv?" He kissed her on the nose as if that proved his point.

Zatanna nudged him with her shoulder, leaning heavily into him. "How did this happen? I don't think this was supposed to happen." (It was his fortieth birthday party all over again!)

"Eh." John shrugged. (Obviously he didn't care.)

"It's probably your fault," she continued conversationally. "You've no sense of moderation."

"Life's too fucked for moderation," he replied. "But I can control myself when the need arises."

Zatanna looked at him with raised brows and surprisingly clear eyes. "I have yet to witness such an event."

The smile on John's face was one he probably believed winning or some such. "That's because whenever you're about, I know things'll turn out all right."

A snort of laughter escaped in response. "Charmer."

"I do try," he agreed.

Zatanna glanced at him from the corner of her eye, mouth curving upward just a little. "Sometimes." (When he wanted something-- or someone.)

Then she closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder because the world had begun to spin and John felt solid and supportive beside her. (And maybe if her brain hadn't been mostly mush at that point, she'd have appreciated the symbolism of the moment-- and the irony. Maybe.)

char: john constantine, misc: alphabet meme, pair: zatanna zatara/john constantine, [comics] vertigo, char: zatanna zatara, [comics] justice league

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