Tutorial #3

Jun 20, 2005 20:06

Do you want to know how to make this icon?:

Okay, so here's another tutorial to make the icon shown above. This was made using Photoshop CS.

I started off with this image:

I cropped it the way I wanted to.
I then proceeded to duplicate the layer, and set it to scren & 59%. Then I duplicated it again and set that to soft light at 35%.
This is what your layer pallete should look like:

And this is how your icon should now look:

I then added this gradient on top:

and set it to Lighten at 82%.

After that, I added this brush (shown on black because it's originally white):

And I set it at Normal on 72%.

I added this gradient:

Set at Lighten on 100%.

On top of that, I added this gradient:

Set on Soft Light at 65%.

I then merged all those layers, an duplicated it set on Soft Light at 15%.
You should now have this:

I then added a light texture (shown on black for colour):

I set that at Lighten on 92%.

On top of that, I added another small light brush:

That was set at Normal on 86%.

I added a bit of small text in white as decoration (it's mostly just random words):

Then I added the real text, (the font used is Futurist):

Finally, I added a small white bar (set at normal 69%) and a white bar on the bottom (normal, 100%):

It's done!
You should now have something similar to this:

I hope you found this tutorial useful. If you have any questions, feel free to ask =)

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