Five Fave Fics Meme

Nov 24, 2008 09:11

The Rules: Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same.

Er... okay. Well... FYI? There's nothing like looking over your fics for favorites to make you suddenly think everything you've written is crap. Also, I'm sure what I'd consider my favorite changes every week or so.

1. Crazy Madcap Redemption - One always adores the youngest child, but this most recent fic of mine is a favorite. It has copious amounts of Drusilla, always a plus, and Spike being whipped (in more ways than one) which is always good. Plus, I managed to save Fred, in a way that is plot-significant. That makes me very happy. I indulged copiously in song!fic in this one, since I decided from the outset to make Dru's taste in music match my own (ha ha ha no canon to contradict me!) But really, don't you think she'd be into psychedelic? Dirty secret: I made a "dru's music mix" in iTunes.

2. Debriefing Dana - What is it with the crazy ladies? But I love the idea of the insane slayer and I wanted to work on that and all the ickiness that is Spike's past relationships with slayers. That, and it's always fun writing in "Benny Voice". My favorite part of course was making up a past slayer of my own - of course Spike ought to have had a few failures to mix with his successes, right?

3. Baby Bonding - quite likely the silliest, fluffiest thing I've ever written, but gosh did I get lots of snarky one-liners per paragraph, and snarky one-liners are the sugary sweets I indulge in instead of the wholesome whole-grain of plot and theme.

4. The Bite Whore - tightly plotted (for me) and focused on some serious Spike-hurt with just a hint of Riley-the-bite-slut. And, you know, whoring! It's what's for dinner.

5. Mad Queen of Cleveland - Oh, it's got flaws the size of waterbuffalo and not too much sex at all, but this was my first 'serious' fanfic, and also it was full of vicarious fun! And it fulfilled two of my most fervent desires: A Cleveland-hellmouth based story authentic to the setting and a more realistic, developed post-Chosen world vis-a-vis the 'other' slayers. Also I quite love my OCs, Arthur, Mose, and Sara in particular. Also I was reasonably disciplined on this, making regular updates of 3,000 word chapters. If only I could tap into some of that now...

And of course, there's always my true favorite: The Fic I Haven't Written Yet, flawless in its conception and never to be realized.

I tag: whoever wants to be tagged. Not sure who's left from the permutations of taggage that ended at me. ;)


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