1sentence challenge - EmmaxScott

Jul 05, 2006 18:22

Fandom: X-men
Pairing: Emma Frost x Scott Summers
Theme set: Gamma
Rating: PG

#1 - Staring at the assorted sizes and cuts of diamonds, Scott wondered how he would be able to afford a ring that would both appease Emma and not leave him in debt for the rest of eternity as well.

#2 - Holding tight to his hands, Emma stared in Scott's eyes as the priest pronounced them man and wife, mouthing the words My Hero to make his smile widen to that near goofy grin she loved.

#3 - With a light touch, Emma searched Scott's memories with the ease of an expert thief, seeking out that which she needed and adapting them as she saw fit.

#4 - Scott's head remained bowed, his hand tight around Emma's as he wondered how many times they would put an empty box into the ground to commemorate the life of a fiery woman.

#5 - If she could only arrange to run into Scott outside of their dreams, then perhaps she could move her plan onto the next stage.

#6 - Her thoughts were as wild and swirling as a hurricane and her heart felt like the only calm in a storm that threatened her very existence.

#7 - How could Scott tell Emma that she'd given him the wings to fly when it had been at the expense of another?

#8 - The full force of his true gaze fell upon Emma who sadly felt little more than the cold emptiness of her diamond form.

#9 - The red of the visor warped Emma's reflection, making her face her own sadness at being unable to see his eyes.

#10 - Arms twined, each took a sip from the others crystal goblet, Emma's laughter affectionate as Scott sneezed from the bubbles.

#11 - The final chime of midnight had sounded long ago and yet the pair still kissed in the darken room, ensuring that the New Year started off on the right foot.

#12 - She held the dreams over him, using the temptation of body, mind and spirit and woo him astrally to her side.

#13 - The motorcycle rumbled to a stop atop the hill, Scott staring out over the view as he waited, biding his time until the snow white Bentley came up alongside him and he smiled as Emma's dulcet tones chided him about the clandestine meeting.

#14 - The soft strains of orchestra music drifted out of the main hall, the fundraiser in full swing even if the organizer herself had snuck out for a passionate embrace beneath the stars, neither Scott nor Emma caring if they were missed.

#15 - Her skin was like silk against his lips, her whispered moans intoxicating.

#16 - Picking up a blanket from the back of the sofa, Emma covered Scott where he sat, asleep and softly snoring, at his desk.

#17 - As he slid the ring on her finger, he made the promise to her in both word and deed as he made her his forever; until death do they part.

#18 - It was easier than she thought, slipping into his dreams and shaping them to her own desires.

#19 - Hundreds of candles filled the bedroom; shades of ivory and gold that reflected the hues of Emma's nude form as the lady lay waiting for her love.

#20 - Taking great pride in her skill, Emma took her time in using her mutant talent to slowly seduce Scott to not merely her dreamscape but her bed as well.

#21 - The silence grew between them until it began to weigh on Emma's heart but she would be damned if she'd apologize when it was Scott's dreams of Jean that had started the fight in the first place.

#22 - Staring at the screen, seeing the calculations on just what they would have to endure to rescue Emma, Scott didn't care how long the journey as long as he brought his love home.

#23 - The nightmares haunted him even as Scott lay beside Emma in the bed they shared; the flames of the Phoenix lapping at his skin even as he heard her voice in his head.

#24 - Holding tight to one another, the lover's clung to the only thing that could give them the strength they needed to survive this onslaught.

#25 - "Well all wear masks,' Emma snapped at Scott, eyes narrowing to glare at him as if defying him to deny it.

#26 - For a moment their eyes meet, just a moment, and Emma knew that Iceman worried she might one day tell his leader, her boyfriend, all that she had seen while in his head.

#27 - Hand in hand they strolled along the Mansion's grounds, the fall leaves crunchy underfoot and the brisk air not the only things leaving their cheeks flushed as they paused to steal kisses from one another along the way.

#28 - It mattered not how many times he held the blonde, how many times their lips met, Jean would not be forgotten no matter how much he loved Emma.

#29 - She placed her hand in his, letting him guide her onto the dancefloor as blue eyes met red visor and Emma found herself breathless.

#30 - The trail of tender kisses began at her ankle, trailed in a lazy path up her body until his mouth met her own in a searing kiss that left Scott's every nerve ending feel as if they were electric.

#31 - He sank to his knees without her bidding him to, staring up at her with awe he placed a soft kiss to the still flat planes of her stomach, already worshipping his goddess for the sacred gift she was giving him.

#32 - In the dark she could hear each hushed breath, that tiny rumble as he snored like a knife to the heart as she kissed his brow and slipped from the room, making her way out of the Mansion and then she was gone.

#33 - What came to mind was the Hellfire Club, all bright lights and dark people and in an instant Emma knew that it wasn't not them that would bring her the world but Scott.

#34 - The snow white gown skimmed over her form in a spill of crystals that made it seem like the dress itself were composed of captured stars and Scott suddenly understood why ancient mariner's swore by the night sky as their guiding force.

#35 - She tried to keep her focus on the class, on the children around her seeking instruction, but all Emma could feel was a heat rising within from the weight of Scott's gaze upon her

#36 - Spinning her around, Scott covered Emma's face with tiny, quick kisses as she laughed with the sheer joy that they had survived.

#37 - Staring into those now brown eyes, Emma smoothed back Scott's hair as she murmured sweet words of false comfort to the man she claimed to love.

#38 - The platinum slid onto her finger, looking cold and stark against her golden complexion and yet it meant everything for it meant she was his heart forever.

#39 - Shifting to her diamond form, Emma let the concussive blast hit her, pour through her in red light and power, the sheer weight of it against her form making her look away even as she seemed to glow crimson with it.

#40 - It came to him in the dark, that soft and sultry voice whispering through his brain and Scott knew, no matter what might happen in this battle, he would survive to hold her in his arms once more.

#41 - Standing in the hall outside the rec room, Emma waited for her crocodile tears to begin flowing before rushing in to tearfully inform the others that Scott's mind had snapped to some unseen force.

#42 - Talking her hands, Scott lead the love of his life to the couch and guided her to take a seat upon it before murmuring, 'I think it's time we talk."

#43 - It was a low life thing Scott did, having Tessa search Emma's background for him, but he couldn't take the chance that she hadn't severed ties as she had claimed.

#44 - This was her chance, their only hope to perhaps enjoy a life in the future but only if she could convince them that she had once more turned into the cold and sadistic bitch she had once been.

#45 - Emma bowed her head, a darkness coming over her heart as she accepted that her only choice was to do as the Hellfire club asked.

#46 - Holding Emma close, he wondered why it was so hard convincing her that no matter the ravages of time, no matter what gravity and time did to that body she had spent so much money on, he would always love her.

#47 - The concussive blast hit Emma square, sending her sprawling to the asphalt; gravel tore through her silk trousers, leaving her hands and knees bleeding and yet all she could think of was Scott.

#48 - Emma could see nothing in the dark but for the bright bursts of red in the distance, and for that clue that Scott was alive, she felt no fear.

#49 - Locking the door of his office, Scott turned to face Emma, giving her a rather wicked smile as he crossed the room to take her hand.

#50 - "Just breathe,' Emma murmured, her voice holding the tiniest of hints of worry as she slipped the visor from his face.

1 sentence, completed challenge

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