
Nov 14, 2007 16:12

This was pretty much Baofu's Wednesday night routine: hit up the Hirasaka district. Red Light Shiraishi was a great place for ramen, baseball and booze. He always stayed until closing, lost in his own thoughts or conversing with the owner of the establishment while the radio provided background noise ( Read more... )

sumaru, katsuya, persona

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sumarus_finest November 15 2007, 01:21:21 UTC
Even before his hand pulls the door open, Katsuya knows he will not be alone in Shiraishi tonight. Though the place looks empty from where he stands at the door, the faint familiar Resonance that he'd picked up on was all he needed to know.

"...Not tonight..." He grumbles, dropping his hand back to his side and letting the door close again. Even though he'd lost touch with everyone again...somehow, Baofu's jeering was the last thing he wanted to see right now.


sumarus_finest November 15 2007, 05:07:59 UTC
"They're really good kids." Katsuya says this with one of those smiles. The one where you can just tell he's thinking about a time years ago like he's some old man. Good kids, yes. And his family. But some of the worst things....

"I'm glad they're back. It...it was worth it, no matter what I lost, getting them back."


hellcash November 15 2007, 05:11:13 UTC
Baofu hates it when Katsuya does that. That sentimental, I'm-acting-old-as-hell smile.

"Well, sucks to be you, I gained something from this whole fiasco," he says in a way so subtlely infuriating that only Baofu could manage it.


sumarus_finest November 15 2007, 05:16:51 UTC
The smile turns into a thin line, and for just one moment you can be damn sure angst is something that must be inheritable in the Suou blood. He sighs and looks down at the counter.

"I got them back, but....I'm not...I...Go ahead and shoot me. Becky's gone." So there, a small part of him shoots back. Bet you weren't expecting that when you were being a smart-ass, did you?


hellcash November 15 2007, 05:22:17 UTC
He's about ready to say something snide and Baofu-like, but really, his mouth just kind of hangs half-open when he hears the news.

"I... you... what the fuck, Suou!" Baofu smacks Katsuya upside the head. "You fucked up good, didn't you!"


sumarus_finest November 15 2007, 05:31:53 UTC
"You know what I did over the last year. You know I was trying to keep everyone safe. You know how much I tried to keep Becky out of danger."

He takes the hit and just kind of doesn't bother to look back at Baofu.

"But she didn't know. I couldn't tell her and by the time I could explain....it was too late." He reaches for another cigarette and lights it. "She might be seeing someone else now. I don't know."


hellcash November 15 2007, 05:35:00 UTC
"Yeah, and I also know that Becky is the type of girl that jumps right into danger," he retorts. Feelings for the girl? Yes. More like a fatherly look-out-for-this-girl sort of thing. Shock, Baofu is capable of such emotions and interpersional relations!

"And, you're right. She probably is seeing someone else, since you're a shitty boyfriend."


sumarus_finest November 15 2007, 05:39:22 UTC
"...Say that again when you're talking about Him." Katsuya replies quietly. Nyarlathotep wasn't Wesker or some zombie maker. "I had no choice."

If the man really cared about Becky, how could he not see the problem Katsuya had been having? If he was simply trying to pick a fight, he was going to get one.

It took effort to ease his hand out of the fist it had made. "...It..it's none of my business. Regardless of what I feel toward her, I won't force her to do anything. I'm not like that." He sounds kind of pissed now.


hellcash November 15 2007, 05:42:17 UTC
"Still scared of Him? What a weiner! Get over it, Katsuya." Ahaha, Baofu the Hypocrite, over here. He's absolutely terrified of Nyarlathotep, Philemon's realm and the roles of pawns that the Persona-users have become. Not like he'd ever admit it.

Baofu notices Katsuya's fisted hand, and a sly grin forms on his lips.

"Were you going to hit me, Suou?"


sumarus_finest November 15 2007, 05:45:48 UTC
"If you don't quit pretending you're any better than I am, I just might," Katsuya retorts. The nightmares, the taunting, the shadows....Baofu had them too. Katsuya had seen them once.

"It doesn't matter what you think of me though. Yes, I'm still scared of Him. And yes I will still do whatever it takes to never let him even think about harming Becky."


hellcash November 15 2007, 05:48:53 UTC
"Oh, Suou. If you quit thinking of yourself as inferior to me, things'd be a lot easier for the both of us," he says with a sigh and tucks a stray lock of hair behind his ear.

"Man, that's gotta suck, being so dedicated when she's probably off screwing some other guy."

Yeah, Baofu's definitely looking for a fight.


sumarus_finest November 15 2007, 05:59:05 UTC
This coming form the same man that had chided him not ten seconds ago for being a shitty boyfriend to her and had hit him for possibly hurting her?

The rational side of Katsuya knows Baofu's just looking for an excuse to fight. But the rational side of Katsuya can't control the hand that shoots out and grabs Baofu by the collar of the smug bastard's shirt, nor can it make his let go as he gets up, dragging the other with him.

"I fucking hate you, you know that?!" Neglecting his jacket entirely, Katsuya half walks, half drags Baofu to the door. Taking only minimal care not to break the door, Katsuya kicks it open and brings both of them outside before shoving Baofu away from him. "You don't have any right to talk about her that way."


hellcash November 15 2007, 06:06:53 UTC
Baofu laughs as he's half-dragged out the door. He stumbles a bit as Katsuya shoves him away, the heels of his shoes clacking on the concrete as he rights himself.

A deep breath, hair and glasses adjustment later, and Baofu is ready to go.

"Oh really? Who says? You're not the boss of me," he says with a sneer. Now he's just getting annoying.


sumarus_finest November 15 2007, 06:11:41 UTC
Seeing that further conversation would only end in Katsuya seething even more than he already was, he shuts his mouth instead.

He moves away from the door a couple steps and gives Baofu a withering glare. Then he's moving, running toward the bastard at full speed, right leg already sweeping out in an attempt to knock the other off his feet.

Bastard wouldn't be smiling then.


hellcash November 15 2007, 06:15:43 UTC
Whoa. A part of Baofu didn't think that Katsuya would actually initiate some sort of physical conflict. But then again, he knew he had it coming.

Time to think quick! He hasn't had a fight in quite awhile...

Baofu, thankfully, is on his toes with this one. He pivots to the side to avoid getting knocked over and, in turn, crouches and sweep kicks at Katsuya to knock the cop off his feet instead.

Why, yes, Baofu does know kung-fu.


sumarus_finest November 15 2007, 06:24:20 UTC
Oh, shit. Katsuya was fast, and had to be, but he wasn't as fast as Baofu most of the time and knew it.

Katsuya jumps back to avoid eating pavement, but is thrown off and has to put distance between himself and Baofu rather than striking out again right away. All the while that smug expression sits perfectly on Baofu's face.

Damn it.


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