When you are worried, you ARE worried!

Feb 01, 2011 02:11


There’s been quite some time since my last post.
Sorry lads and gals but this rookie has been busy. =)
Anyway, I bet most of you are anxious to know the
ending to my ‘escapades’, no?
Well, sadly this is not the time.
I’ll bump that post to another day…
Or maybe I’ll never write it at all.
Depend on my mood.

That’s the great thing about having this blog.
I can manipulate this anyway I want.
I LOVE it! *insert Imperial March soundtrack*
So, sorry for those of you who were having
high hopes of reading the ending today.
I decide that it would not be today!
But, hey… If you’re lucky I might just finish the
adventurous tale. However, I believe it is not today.
Because today, I wanna share something else…
Something I feel that is much more important…?
than my own journey.

It starts when Cikgu told me that Virus is asking me
to be online on my YM ASAP. The net connection was hopeless.
More so on my computer where it kept coming back to that
‘hotspot’ thingy. Virus was getting pushy, said it was important
yada,yada…so; Cikgu lent me hers instead.
I can’t on my YM on Cikgu’s lappy as well.
So, texted Virus to chat on Facebook.
FB is like the last option for me.
I was waiting for Virus for what feels like
1/2 hour. I decided to see Sleepy’s blog cuz I wanted to do
so since this morning. I got a bad feeling about this.
My assumption was proven right as she posted an entry
Bout what happened to her dearest ‘omma’.
I think this kinda hit Sleepy very hard cuz her mom is
the cheerful/friendly mom type that you’d gladly hang out with.
I can only imagine what she felt like seeing her mom
In that condition. She must’ve have felt so scared.
That’s her mom after all. The only one she’s got.
I feel a rush of sympathy for Sleepy and worry for my
both of my parents. It is a def. shock to see if
your parents fainted and you feel helpless.

I was so used to see my mom getting sick, my dad was
even paralyzed at some point in his life. Out of my siblings,
I was the one who one who witnessed all of these.
I remembered those days that I keep skipping schools
Because I have to stay and took care of abah
At the hospital. In a special ward even where it is
Freaking dammit cold!
It was the PMR year yet I skipped so many days that
I got two ‘love letters’ from my teacher.
It was certainly one tough year for me.
And the family as well.
My mum is a very sensitive person.
Prone to sickness these days.
Once, she had a terrible asthma attack.
She was coughing like mad during night-time
That I couldn’t bring myself to sleep.
She can hardly speak and when I ask her if she
need anything, she just said that a plain glass
of water will do. “It’s just a phase” she said.
But, if you’ve been around people who have asthma…
You know what it’s like right?
It’s just watching and yet you can do
nothing bout it.
When they have those episodes it’s the worst.

So, when I see people,
sometimes I wonder if I’m wary over these things…
seeing people sick, to not even have the compassion,
to feel pity… I wonder that a lot.

p/s: This had been an awkward post.

ramble your way

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