(no subject)

Aug 26, 2015 20:44

Rating G. Digital. Photoshop (which I managed to hate this time). No spoilers.

Actually it was supposed to be a simple redraw of this picture [click ], but Severus - being the usual difficult self - refused to cooperate. And that's how this ^ happened. I still like the older version more. I think that this one seems more scary/dangerous. And yay for the nose -.-; Painting it was a nightmare. (Un)fortunately I could use my own nose for the reference >.>; Kinda. I blame the grandpa for the genes. Or grandma.

Funny things you realise one day - it's hard to trust overly nice people, harder than these meaner/more honest ones.

That being said, it was nice to pretend to be on vacations... Kinda. As proven today, September is gonna be awful :/

!art, s.hp

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