Might the body have been laid out somewhere, in preparation for final funerary rights? Then it's just a question of Menelaus finding it during the sack of Troy. Or is it supposed to have been before they enter Troy?
Menelaus and Parisext_1593055January 13 2013, 05:52:01 UTC
As to the vase, you know the painters just made this stuff up! They neverbothered going to the public recital of the Iliad and they were notoriously illiterate. Bill
Re: Menelaus and Parishelens_daughterJanuary 13 2013, 06:33:30 UTC
I was talking about the literary tradition, not the visual one. In fact, the image above is the duel of Menelaus and Paris as depicted in the Iliad. I was referring to the death of Paris after the events of the Iliad.
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