Title: Four times Rory Williams failed to save a life (and one time he succeeded)
heleentje Series: Doctor Who
Characters: Rory Williams, Amy Pond, the Doctor (11th)
Rating: T
Word Count: 6015
Summary: It's Rory's job to help people. He doesn't always do as well as he would like.
Warnings: Death. Spoilers for all of series 5/31/Fnarg
Author's Notes: Once
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Comments 20
“I hope that was a lie,” Amy said, appearing out of nowhere and dropping half of her bags in Rory’s lap, then shoving the other half in the Doctor’s arms. “I’ll be very cross if that wasn’t a lie.”
Had me in stitches.
A few tiny word-choice nitpicks, if you don't mind:
Mrs. Taylor’s breath was coming in pants now.
I get what you're saying, but my first association was that she's breathing into some underwear. Perhaps 'gasps' might have been better?
They had positioned guards for the first couple of decennia,
I think your Dutch is showing, there. :-). I believe 'decennia' does exist in English, but if it does, it is extremely archaic and rare. You probably mean 'decades'.
Other than that, I honestly couldn't think of a way to improve this. Well done, and keep up the good work!
Thanks a lot! Glad you liked it!
I'm glad you liked it! Rory's such a fascinating character when you get down to it... It's been a while since I've seen someone so loyal and caring, and that makes him very interesting to write about. So yeah, I might write him again, perhaps when I watch canon again or have more canon to work with (or if my history obsession flares up again)
They stayed the night.
It took 396 more years for a vaccine to be found.
This really hit me hard.
I love the last example best though. So funny and Rory/Doctor interaction!
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