03. 2009

Dec 31, 2009 04:13

Top 5 Actors


christian bale, chris pine, hugh jackman, jensen ackles, taylor kitsch, robert downey jr.

5. henry cavill

I've got to be honest, I've seen maybe one episode of The Tudors but his beauty managed to score him a spot in my top 5. Yes, I'm that shallow.

4. bradley james

Funny, charming and gorgeous.

3. gary oldman

I fell in love with him when I was 6 years old and I first saw Dracula. The fact that he hasn't won an Oscar just goes to show how ridiculous the world is.

2. alec baldwin

I love this man. I can't say that enough. He's 28 years older than me but I'd still marry him in a heartbeat.

1. alexander skarsgard

UNF. If he had have been waiting under my Christmas tree, my holidays would have been perfect.

Top 5 Actresses


lea michele, sophia bush, katie cassidy, sandra bullock.

5. anne hathaway

I've loved her since The Princess Diaries. lol

4. megan fox

I'm actually surprise with how much I've come to like her. When I saw the first Transformers movie, I was less than impressed with her but I think she's really grown since then. I though she was great in Jennifer's Body.

3. angel coulby

Sweet, talented and beautiful. Total package.

2. meryl streep

I'm constantly in awe of this woman's talent and grace.

1. blake lively


Top 5 Ships


matt/caroline - the vampire diaries, erica/kai - being erica, dean/castiel - supernatural, chloe/oliver - smallville, sawyer/juliet - lost

5. kahlan/cara - legend of the seeker

These two define eye-sex. Forget about hairy Richard, Kahlan. Get with Cara.

4. nate/serena - gossip girl

One word: FINALLY!

3. rachel/puck - glee

I shipped these two from the pilot and I'm so glad the writers went there even if it was only for an episode.

2. eric/sookie - true blood

How Sookie could choose Beel over Eric I'll never understand.

1. arthur/gwen - merlin


Top 10 TV Shows


the vampire diaries, the office, the mentalist, gossip girl, 90210

10.(tie) flashforward / harper's island

Definitely one of the better new shows on the year. I wish they hadn't have killed off Al though.


This show broke my heart when it killed off Trish and Sully. :(

9. supernatural

Normally this show would be in my top 5 but I'm a bit behind on this season and I've got to be honest, the huge focus on religion has me losing a bit of interest. I miss all the urban legend stuff from season 1.

8. legend of the seeker

Not loving this season as much as the first but Cara and kahlan are fantastic.

7. fringe

This show would have been higher on the list but I'm not as into it as I was last year. Still a great show but it lost some of my love when they got rid of Charlie.

6. modern family

Best new comedy of the year. I've missed having Al Bundy on my screen.

5. 30 Rock

I think if I had to choose two shows to watch for the rest of my life it would be this and Seinfeld.

4. being erica

Don't let the fact that it's Canadian sway you from watching it(I say this as a Canadian). This is great television.

3. glee

This show never ceases to make me smile.

2. true blood

Its like crack.

1. merlin

Campy perfection with the definition of an epic romance.

Top 5 Movies


jennifer's body, taken, zombieland, the hangover, fanboys

5. milk

I ask this... If there should be an assassination, I would hope that five, ten, one hundred, a thousand would rise. I would like to see every gay lawyer, every gay architect come out - - If a bullet should enter my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door... And that's all. I ask for the movement to continue. Because it's not about personal gain, not about ego, not about power... it's about the "us's" out there. Not only gays, but the Blacks, the Asians, the disabled, the seniors, the us's. Without hope, the us's give up - I know you cannot live on hope alone, but without it, life is not worth living. So you, and you, and you... You gotta give em' hope... you gotta give em' hope.

Before I saw this movie, I had no idea who Harvey Milk was and now, I'll never forget. A great leader and individual was recognized with this.

4. sherlock holmes

Madame, I need you to remain calm and trust me, I'm a professional. Beneath this pillow lies the key to my release.

Great movie. It's funny and exciting, the acting was the great and I think everyone really pulled off their roles.

3. star trek

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life-forms and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before.

I'm still shocked with how much I enjoyed this film. I've tried the watch the show in the past and could never seem to get into it but I loved the movie and not just because Chris Pine is delicious to look at. It had a great cast, the effects were great and the story was interesting.

2. invictus

Out of the night that covers me, black as the pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeoning of chance my head is bloody but unbowed. Beyond this place of wrath and tears looms but the Horrors of the shade, and yet the menace of the years finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, how charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul.

This was the first movie I've ever seen where I walked out of the theatre with an all-encompassing feeling of hope. It was absolutely beautiful and Clint Eastwood once again proves his genius. I highly recommend this movie.

1. the dark knight

Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

My favorite movie ever.

This took me forever. Between choosing the pics and coloring...never again. I was planning on including my favorite characters as well but I got lazy. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it. :)


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