This is the final part of the Logan Echolls picspam. PART I can be found
here. Hope y'all enjoyed the wonder that is Logan =D
2x01 • Normal is The Watchword
Logan: I've always wanted a TV movie version of my life. Hey, think they can get Tom Welling to play me?
2x02 • Driver Ed
Logan: Afternoon delight? Considerably better than fifth period English.
2x03 • Cheatty Cheatty Bang Bang
Duncan: Careful, Logan. You're exposing your soft underbelly.
Logan: My underbelly is rock-hard. It can go all night.
2x04 • Green-Eyed Monster
Logan: My day is complete. Veronica Mars has accused me of evil.
2x05 • Blast From the Past
Logan: I was thinking of staying home, making a hope quilt for the lonely.
2x06 • Rat Saw God
Deputy Sacks: Sheriff would like to have a word with you.
Logan: And i'd like to be the cream filling of an Olsen twin sandwich but...
2x07 • Nobody Puts Baby in A Corner
Logan: I'm sorry, "see ya" was option A? Bessie, when the milk stops being free, I stop drinking it.
Kendall: What am I supposed to do?
Logan: Frankly my dear... you know the rest.
2x08 • Ahoy Mateys!
Logan: [to Veronica] If you could exonerate me sometime soon, that'd be great. I really don't want a bottom bunk in Fisty McRapesalot's cell.
2x09 • My Mother The Fiend
Logan: Where are my manners? Kendall Casablancas, Trina Echolls. Rode hard, meat put away wet.
2x10 • One Angry Veronica
Logan: I adore what your designer's done with the men's room. That Hefty bag over the busted urinal adds a delicious wabi-sabi feel.
2x11 • Donut Run
Logan: Hi, ho.
Veronica: What did you say?
Logan: Oh, your uniform. Hi-ho, it's off to work we go.
2x12 • Rashard and Wallace Go to White Castle
Weevil: You met the Fitzpatrick family?
Logan: And found them scrappy but loveable.
2x13 • Ain't No Magic Mountain Hight Enough
Dick: Dude, am I drunk?
Logan: No, dude, you're just special.
2x14 • Versatile Toppings
Dr. Griffith: What are you doing with my daughter?
Logan: You want the complete play-by-play? That's kind of twisted.
2x15 • The Quick and The Wed
Logan: I'm confused. You're talking and your clothes are on. I'm starting to think you really came over to try to sell me real estate.
Kendall: I told you. It's my job.
Logan: And that must be the second sign of the apocalypse.
2x16 • The Rapes of Graff
Logan: What happened to Madison?
Dick: According to her friend, she met someone more mature.
Logan: Where at Lego Land?
2x17 • Plan B
Logan: Ask not what Logan can do for you, but what you can do for Logan.
2x18 • I Am God
Veronica: Why did we break up?
Logan: Well, you thought the other guy had greener grass. Or was it something about me being too much man? No, wait, it was you. You were too much man.
2x19 • Nevermind the Buttocks
Logan: [to Veronica] Man, you're obsessed with my sex life. Do I need to start carrying around a webcam from now on?
2x20 • Look Who's Stalking
Logan: [about Veronica] Well, there was this one girl. She was, uh, blonde, petite. Smelled of marshmallows and promises.
2x21 • Happy Go Lucky
Logan: [to Aaron] You know, if you'd would've given Lilly the performance you gave today, she might've given you the Oscar.
2x22 • Not Pictured
Aaron: How are the suites?
Logan: Probably an improvement over your previous digs. Might be a little weird though: I don't think any of the other guests killed anyone.
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