Jealousy (drabble)

Sep 28, 2008 09:39

Title: Jealousy
Author: heiryzmylisza 
Rating: GP
Pairing: MassuTego / SuShi~♥
Summary: Massu's jealous...a crappy summary for a crappy drabble...

Massu never really knew how he ended up being overwhelmed by this emotion. It was so foreign to him that when he first felt it there, he just dismissed it within a heartbeat. But then, things kept on happening making the ( Read more... )

fanwork: fanfiction, pairing: tegoshi/massu

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Comments 29

frayed_symphony September 28 2008, 18:59:20 UTC
That wasn't stupid or crap at all!
quite a bittersweet ending, ah tego.... and poor poor massu.
it was really cute.. you write these two so well and i really like the idea *w*


heiryzmylisza September 29 2008, 15:11:53 UTC
tego's too dense. and poor massu...sigh... i know what he's going through... lol.

thankies for the compliments!


hanasim September 29 2008, 02:56:33 UTC
You hug them tight and then whisper,

“Just say their name one more time and I’ll kill you”


Ahh, Massu should tell Tegoshi. Jealousy is unhealthy ne. =P


heiryzmylisza September 29 2008, 15:14:53 UTC
hihi...i love that line too!

i know it's unhealthy... so if it was in real life, would you do it too? i mean tell the one you love that you're jealous already?


hanasim September 29 2008, 22:43:32 UTC
honestly, I dunno....

Especially if the guy, like tego, assures you he loves you and stuff....

And if one were to keep harping about it, the guy might get annoyed and tired for not trusting him.

But I guess to say it out at least once so he knows would help. Mainly to ease your frustrations and by letting him know, so he won't unknowingly irritate you in the future lol.

But then again there is this: 'But then he knows Tegoshi wouldn’t take it all seriously so he ends up laughing bitterly about it.'


I honestly have no idea.

Maybe you can whack the girl in question =P Don't tell me its still the same one.....


heiryzmylisza September 30 2008, 16:21:54 UTC
nope... it's not the same girl, it's another one. it's his thesis groupmate that he admitted to me that he liked before...sigh...

so yeah, just imagine this story with me as massu and tego as the guy i like and you have what happened on our date, it's annoying really if all he kept on talking about was his thesis groupmate whose house he stayed in a couple of nights ago... and oh yeah, tomorrow night too!

i dunno if he's making me jealous on purpose or what, i'm just trying to act like i don't care at all bec. once he stops talking about those "other" girls... everything's alright...


shini_no_shisha September 29 2008, 03:03:17 UTC
aw... I wanted Massu to say something about his jealousy or Tesshi to really realise it
that message is funny XD as long as he's not serious about it xDDD


heiryzmylisza September 29 2008, 15:16:47 UTC
ah... gomen ne... hihi...

i know he can't do that to his precious kabocha? lol.XD erm, i mean his tesshi...


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